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After my horrible sandwich, things actually calmed down after that day. It wasn't boring, although, it wasn't chaotic and thankfully no situations like Sungjins came up for the time being. The only interesting thing coming up was everyone hanging around at my house, for no particular reason really. We were just all free one day and had nothing better to do, so why not hang out?

Which is a perfect recipe for chaos.

"Dowoon where the fuck are your darn noddles?" Sungjin, which was across from me sitting on the floor with Junghyeoks head resting on his lap, shot a glare at Jae. "Don't curse at Dowoon you brat."

Jae chuckled, still searching around the kitchen for the noddles and smirked when he found them. "Well you cant tell me what to do, you're younger."

"Bitch your from America you don't even let people call you hyung." The taller nodded agreeing, saying "touché" in English. Which i thankfully understood since Jae was my crackhead English teacher basically.

Wonpil sat up from laying down on the other side of the couch, his legs tangled with mine, while i played on my phone, as Piri looked over at the eldest, catching his attention for a slit second. "Jaaaeeee when are the noddles goina be done? I'm hungry."

The eldest groaned, putting a pot full of water on the burner, then turned it on waiting for it to boil, but being the impatient person he was he just threw the dry noddles in before the water was even room temperature. "When you stop complaining."

The shorter whined as a response, probably hungry. It was only around one, and it was short notice when i invited everyone over so i don't know if he's even eaten anything today, i hope he eat something at least. "Piri come here lemmy distract you from your hunger." Younghyun groaned, rolling his eyes. "Y'all so fucking cheesy."

The shortest stuck his tongue out at Younghyun and crawled over to my side, his back against my chest, calmly resting his weight on me. I just wrapped my arms around his chest, rubbing circles on his arms, notching he was warmer than normal.  Just talking to him in a lower tone so I'm not putting him on blast in front of the others.

"Baby your warmer than normal are you okay?" He nodded, letting out a little hum. "Yeah I'm fine, its honestly a little cold in here." He lifted his arm up lightly tapping my face with his hand that was half covered with his sweater. "My sweater might be it."

I chuckled a bit pulling him closer, holding his hand that tapped my face planting a little kiss on the back of it, then letting some time pass, occasionally hearing Jae curse in the background due it his lack of cooking skills and the struggle he was suffering with. Him actually finishing sooner than expected, a little to soon but it was okay.


Sungjin lifted Junghyeoks head off his lap standing up, the younger just sitting up following behind his boyfriend, not really know what to do without him."I'm going to test it." Jae squinted his eyes at Sungjin lifting a wooden spoon in his hand like he was going to smack him into a different dimension.

"Why, it's fine." Sungjin shrugged his shoulders taking the spoon from Jaes hand and pulling out a plane pair of chopsticks from one of the drawers. "I'm just making sure nothings poisoned."

Sure normally this was a trick parents did to their kids to get a extra bite of a treat, or maybe for a candy bar they got on Halloween. But in this case Jae literally could poison us with his cooking. Not on purpose though, which honestly would be better if it actually was on purpose.

We all got up and walked to the kitchen maybe seeing Sungjin alive for the last time due to Jae maybe killing him with the noddles, and i was actually nervous for him. He took a bite and it took a while for him to have a reaction, i don't know if it was out of shock which delayed the reaction but once it came it wasn't the best. "Fuuuck that shit nope." I heard Younghyun laugh from behind Jae, the taller just slapping his shoulder giving both him and Sungjin a death glare.

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