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(A/N- Oof, this is hardly even SM but like, kinda but kinda not? Y e e. Or in the wise words of Younghyun
Yes,Yeet,Yas... I'll stop oh my god I'm so sorry)

"Bye Junghyeok bye Sungjinie hyungs!" Wonpil waved the two boys goodbye one last time before closing the door and skipping over to me, jumping down on the couch. And Wonpil being Wonpil, somehow found his way for me to comfortably cuddle him, his back facing my chest and my arms around his torso as he began to relax.

"Your like a worm pil." He scoffed at my comment, lightly hitting my hand that was still hugging his torso, but he let out a small giggle. "Am i a cute worm at least?"

I shook my head. "I don't think any worm is cute pil." He kicked his legs letting out a whine in annoyance. "Hey hey hey, your the first worm that's cute to me if you are a worm."

He laughed furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "This conversation is weird." I nodded and hummed in agreement, moving to adjust into a more comfortable position. And started rubbing circles to the sides of Wonpil's arms with my thumbs.

I hummed again, feeling a little too relaxed to talk.

"C-can we, finish what we were about to do before Sungjin hyung and Junghyeok hyung got here?"

Aaaaand there goes my relaxation.

I mean he's had literal hours to think about if he wanted it or not, so i guess? "Y-yeah if you want." It came out sounding more of a question than an actual answer to me, but Wonpil smiled and I sat up. I made Wonpil lay down on the couch, and i got up and somewhat comfortably sat back down on the couch, my legs on either side of his left leg.

Like before, his face was slowly flushing up the further we got into actually doing it and i leaned down my lips just barely touching his neck when he squealed, giggling a bit after.

I moved back up looking at him confused. "Are you okay?" He nodded still letting out a little bit more giggles. "Yeah it just tickles a little bit."

it will feel like something else once i get started. Wonpil hummed confused and i cocked my hea- i said it out loud again. Fuck

"What?" I shook my head saying a small 'nothing' before he just nodded, going along with it.

"I'm going to actually do it now. Okay?" He happily nodded again and I leaned down getting closer, and locking my lips with the skin on his neck. I heard him let out a breath of air while i just lightly sucked his skin not wanting to make a extremely bright and obvious mark even if that's what he wanted. I kept at the same spot for about fifteen seconds before i pulled away and looked at the new, small, light purple, reddish mark on his neck.

I did the same for another one, probably about half way down his left collar bone, looking at the small mark once i was done. My eyes moved to the spot he originally pointed out earlier today, it was probably an inch above his left collar bone and was in the middle of the two other hickeys i left already. I reconnected my lips on his neck, this time on the specific spot and felt him open his mouth slightly, but nothing but a huff of air coming out.

Unlike the other ones, i lightly bit down at where i was previously sucking at, feeling Wonpil shudder a little bit and his hand went up lightly griping my right arm. I pulled away, but didn't sit up all the way, an idea popping into my head. "Okay."

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