I am pretty worried

346 22 17

Wonpil slowly opened his eyes, waiting to find himself waking up to his room, and a burning feeling in his eyes from the morning sun. But when his vision focused he found himself facing some sort of fabric and a soft smell. It smelt like home more than his actual home smelt and he noticed that he was surrounded by a comforting warmth. He looked up to see someone also sleeping right above him but he couldn't tell who it was.

He slowly tried to pull away from whoever was hugging him but they just lightly pulled him back and hugged him tighter. Wonpil started to lightly poke the persons arm till they would wake up. Thankfully the person started to wake up and they looked down at Wonpil.

Wonpil instantly recognized the person as Dowoon and a blush crept up on him, looking at Dowoons tired eyes while he looked back at his.

It took a while for Dowoon to realize it was Wonpil he was hugging. But when he did recognize him, he quickly, but gently let go of Wonpil and sat up.

Wonpil let it a small pout from the loss of warmth around him, but quickly hid it. Dowoon looked around confused for a little before he looked like he was thinking. He was probably trying to recall what happened last night and when he finally remembered he sat up and went to the guest bedroom closet without a word.

Wonpil just sat there still in the confused til Dowoon turned around to check on him and noticed his confusion.
"Crap sorry. Guess i should explain." He took a moment to yawn still tired. " It's Monday so we have to go to school." Wonpil's pout came back at the mention of school.

"What am i going wear? I didn't bring any clothes and wearing the same clothes is gross." wonpil played with the sleeves of his "gross" clothes and Dowoon laughed at the smaller. "I spend the night here quite often and i always forget to bring my clothes back home. Younghyun normally washes them and puts them in this closet, you an borrow some of my clothes if you want"

Wonpil nodded and got up to get the clothes Dowoon was holding out for him. He went into the restroom to change, while Dowoon stayed and got changed in the room.

Dowoon ended up wearing ripped black jeans with a white T-shirt and a black jacket. And Wonpil had slightly oversized pink sweater and black sweatpants. Well oversized on him, normal size for Dowoon. The younger looked at Wonpil seeing his outfit.

'He looks like as if he's wearing his boyfriends clothes.'
And he softly laughed at Wonpil playing with the long sleeves of his sweater.

They both walked out to see Dowoons backpack on the couch along with another one next to it. They heard a crash in the kitchen and saw an annoyed Younghyun chasing Jae into the living room.

Wonpil and Dowoon stared at them in confusion as Jae fell on the couch and Younghyun fell on top of him. Jae looked up in Wonpil's and Dowoons direction and saw them staring at him. Jae pushed Younghyun off. His back hitting the ground harshly and letting out a groan out of pain.

Jae brushed his clothes off standing up from falling on the couch."You saw nothing children."

Younghyun still laying on the ground nodded in agreement with Jae and pointed to the two backpacks on the couch.

"Dowoon i got yours earlier today. And Wonpil i have no clue where you live i just got one of my old backpacks and put the basic school supplies in it."

Wonpil was about to thank Younghyun, but Dowoon kicked Younghyun while he was still on the ground. Younghyun hissing in slight pain.

"You broke into my house?"
He older shook his head. "Not really, i just took your key from your jacket pocket and unlocked the door. I didn't break into your house. I stole the key, and snuck in."

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