A few hours later *Almost midnight*
Laura:(trying to fall asleep but can't) (groans)
Ross:(wakes up and sees Laura trying to get in a position to sleep) Laura?
Laura:(looks at him) Oh hey
Ross: What's wrong? (yawns)
Laura: I can't sleep
Ross: Then come here
Laura: Where?
Ross:(pats his lap)
Laura:(shrugs and climbs onto his lap)
Ross:(wraps his arms around her) Now go to sleep
Laura: But the loud sound is to loud for me to
Ross: Then here (grabs his beats and puts them on her) Sleep while listening to my music (turns it on)
Ross: What?
Laura: Is all your songs slow songs?
Ross: No. My up beat songs are on my other beats
Laura:(shrugs and rest her head on his chest listening to his music)
Ross:(rest his head on hers asleep)
Laura:(smiles and wraps her arms around his torso)
A little while later
Laura:(falls asleep)
A few more hours later *Morning now*
Ross:(wakes up looking around) (sees Laura still having his beats on her) (slowly takes them off of her turning them off)
Becky:(taps his shoulder)
Ross:(turns around)
Becky: Laur still asleep?
Becky: Well you better wake her up bc breakfast is coming
Ross:(nods and starts to wake up Laura) Laur wake up
Ross: Wake up and eat
Laura:(groans louder) Shhh!
Ross:(chuckles and starts kissing her neck) Wake up....
Laura:(giggles) That tickles
Ross: Well wake up
Laura: I'm up (giggles) Now stop ticking me
Ross:(sucks and bites on her neck)
Laura:(bites her lip)
Ross:(forms a love bite on her and pulls away)
Laura: You did not just give me a hickey
Ross: Oh but I did (smirks)
Laura:(rolls her eyes) Your hormones are showing
Ross:(winks) I know
Laura:(blushes and rest her head on Ross's chest relaxing)
Ross:(plays with her hair)
Laura: What's up with you playing with my hair?
Ross: It's so soft
Laura: So is yours but you don't see me playing with it
flight attendant:(walks up to them with the metal wheel thing they push around) Would you like breakfast?

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?