Chapter 39

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A few hours later *Almost midnight*


Laura:(trying to fall asleep but can't) (groans)

Ross:(wakes up and sees Laura trying to get in a position to sleep) Laura?

Laura:(looks at him) Oh hey

Ross: What's wrong? (yawns)

Laura: I can't sleep

Ross: Then come here

Laura: Where?

Ross:(pats his lap)

Laura:(shrugs and climbs onto his lap)

Ross:(wraps his arms around her) Now go to sleep

Laura: But the loud sound is to loud for me to

Ross: Then here (grabs his beats and puts them on her) Sleep while listening to my music (turns it on)


Ross: What?

Laura: Is all your songs slow songs?

Ross: No. My up beat songs are on my other beats

Laura:(shrugs and rest her head on his chest listening to his music)

Ross:(rest his head on hers asleep)

Laura:(smiles and wraps her arms around his torso)

A little while later

Laura:(falls asleep)

A few more hours later *Morning now*

Ross:(wakes up looking around) (sees Laura still having his beats on her) (slowly takes them off of her turning them off)

Becky:(taps his shoulder)

Ross:(turns around)

Becky: Laur still asleep?


Becky: Well you better wake her up bc breakfast is coming

Ross:(nods and starts to wake up Laura) Laur wake up


Ross: Wake up and eat

Laura:(groans louder) Shhh!

Ross:(chuckles and starts kissing her neck) Wake up....

Laura:(giggles) That tickles

Ross: Well wake up

Laura: I'm up (giggles) Now stop ticking me

Ross:(sucks and bites on her neck)

Laura:(bites her lip)

Ross:(forms a love bite on her and pulls away)

Laura: You did not just give me a hickey

Ross: Oh but I did (smirks)

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Your hormones are showing

Ross:(winks) I know

Laura:(blushes and rest her head on Ross's chest relaxing)

Ross:(plays with her hair)

Laura: What's up with you playing with my hair?

Ross: It's so soft

Laura: So is yours but you don't see me playing with it


flight attendant:(walks up to them with the metal wheel thing they push around) Would you like breakfast?

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