A few hours later *In Cali*
Stormie & Mark:(walks downstairs)
Riker: Did you talk to her?
Mark: Oh yes we did
Rocky: And?
Stormie: She said she didn't mean to and was only doing it for the band
Ross: The band!? Who cares about the band! Laura was my life and she took that away from me!!
Stormie: I know honey, calm down
Ross:(sighs) Can we go to Ellen and see if she knows?
Stormie: Are you sure honey?
Ryland: What about Maia?
Ratliff: Yeah, I know it's only been a few months but I still have a feeling that she's still crazy into you
Ross: I don't care. I'll do whatever it takes to get my Laura back
Mark: Everyone get in the car, we're going to the Marano's
everyone:(gets in teh car and drives to the Marano house)
In Italy
Laura:(in her room unpacking her things) (gets another call from the Lynch's) (sighs and declines it) (takes a deep breathe) Good to be home
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Laura:(opens the door) (gasps) Oh my god!
??? & ???: Hey Laur-Laur
Laura: Janessa! Sofia! (hugs them)
Janessa & Sofia:(hug back)
Laura: I missed you guys so much
Janessa: We missed you too
Laura:(pulls away)
Sofia: So how's California?
Laura: Amazing but I'm glad to see you guys again
Janessa: Mind telling us why you're back here
Laura: Well... it's a long story
Sofia: We have time
Laura: Alright
Janessa & Sofia: Story time! (sits on Laura's bed)
Laura:(giggles pulling a chair over) You guys are so... (remembers when her and Ross use to call eachother that)
Janessa: You okay Laur?
Laura: Yeah, why wouldn't I?
Sofia: Bc you're crying
Laura: I am? (wipes her tears away) Oh sorry
Janessa: What's up?
Laura:(explains everything to them)
Sofia: You must be so hurt Laura
Laura:(nods) I am but I'm doing what's good for him
Janessa: But are you doing what's good for you?
Laura: What are you talking about?
Janessa: I know I'm no love expect but I know it takes two to have a loving relationship
Sofia: So are you happy with this decision?
Laura:(Sighs) I don't know, that's the problem
Janessa: Well how are you feeling right now?

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?