A few hours later
Ross:(groans) I'm bored
Noah: then do something
Ross: I would but Laura's asleep
Rydel: What? You make out with her?
Ross: Yes!
Laura:(jolts up)
Ross: Oops.... sorry baby (kisses her cheek wrapping his arms around her swaying her back and forth)
Laura:(yawns) It's alright. Is my mom here yet?
Stormie:(shakes her head) Not yet
Laura:(nods and rest her head on Ross's chest) Where's my bunny?
Becky:(grabs it from the floor) Here Laur (passes it to her)
Laura:(cuddles up with it)
Ross:(smiles and kisses her head) Love you
Becky:(hits Luke on the chest)
Luke: what?
Becky: Why can't you be sweet like Ross?
Luke:(shrugs) I don't know
Becky:(hits him again)
Luke: Ow! What now?
Becky: Nothing. I just like hitting you
Luke:(rolls his eyes)
Becky: Love you though (peck kisses him)
Luke:(smiles) Love ya too
Becky:(smiles and cuddles into his chest)
Luke:(Wraps his arm around her and kisses her forehead)
Noah: She really does like that bunny
Ross:(nods smiling at Laura) Yeah, isn't she cute?
Noah:(nods) But I mean that in a friend way
Ross:(chuckles) I know, don't worry
Rydel: Where'd you get the bunny?
Ross: At some store
Rydel: Did they have a pink one?
Becky: I think I saw a hello kitty one
Rydel:(squeals) Ratliff! We're going. Come on Becky! (grabs Ratliff & Becky's arm and drags them to the store)
Ratliff: Ow!
Becky: Ow!
Luke: Wait for me! (follows them)
Riker: I'm gonna go find a place for arcades
Ryland: I'll go
Rocky: Same for me
Noah: And me
Riker: Ross, you wanna come?
Ross:(shakes his head) You guys go ahead
R/R/R/N:(walks to the arcade)
Stormie: Well, we should get food then
Mark:(nods) Ross, do you mind watching over our things?
Ross:(nods) No problem
Mark & Stormie:(walks away)
Ross:(looks around the place)
Laura:(sits up and looks at Ross facing her body forwards)
Ross:(smiles) Hey
Laura:(smiles) Hi
Ross: What's up?
Laura:(smiles) Do you know how amazing as a boyfriend you are?
Ross:(smiles) How amazing am I from a scale of 1-10
Laura: A gazillion
Laura: It's true. I don't know what I'd do without you
Ross: Probably in a shack house with millions and millions of cats
Laura:(hits his chest) You know I'm a dog person
Ross:(chuckles) I know but cat ladies seem more cliché for failure
Laura:(laughs) Whatever
Ross: So Laur, ever thought about being a musician?
Laura: All the time I do but my dad says it's a gazillion to one
Ross: Well don't listen to him, you chase those dreams as far as you need to go after them bc I know that you're gonna be the best artist I know
Laura:(smiles) Thanks Ross and what about you though?
Ross: Me? Singing? Nah....
Laura: Why not?
Ross:(shrugs) I just don't think of myself as a solo artist
Laura: What about you with your siblings forming a band? I mean when we were watching your childhood clips you guys were pretty good for some toddlers
Ross:(chuckles) Yeah but I don't know
Laura: But you guys would be so good. When you guys did a little performance for your mom's birthday you guys were just amazing
Ross:(smiles) Thanks Laur. That means alot but I don't know
Laura: Think about it. I even got your name
Ross: Oh really?
Laura:(nods) R5 or R6 if Ratliff joins
Ross:(smiles) That's really good Laur
Laura:(smiles) Thank you
Ross: I'll ask my siblings and Ratliff that, maybe they'll say yes
Laura:(smiles) Yay! I can't wait for you guys to preform all around the world
Ross:(smiles) Woah there Laura. We don't even know if we'll even start a band or even be that good for a record label
Laura: Are you kidding? You'll be fantastic and millions of record labels will want to sign you
Ross:(smiles) Thanks Laura, that means a lot but... (sad) If we do get that far what about us? What if we do a world tour and all, we'll be so far away from eachother
Laura: I know but we'll always have a way to connect with eachother
Ross: Yeah but not physically. Who will I get to cuddle with at night? Or even kiss someone or give them my bone crushing hugs
Laura:(smiles and lays her head on his chest)
Ross: Or have someone on my lap to rest their head on my chest and cuddle with their red bunny
Ross: I just don't know if I can be that long away from you
Laura:(peck kisses his lips) We'll figure out a way
Ross:(shrugs) I guess so
Laura: We can do anything Ross. We're Ross & Laura. Well Raura as Rydel would say
Ross:(chuckles) Yeah
Laura:(smiles) The point is that we can do this
Ross:(smiles) Thanks Laura (kisses her)
Laura:(smiles kissing back)
Ross:(slowly pulls away but presses his forehead against hers) (whispers) I love you, so so much
Laura:(smiles and whispers back) I love you too... Rossy-bear (giggles)
Ross:(groans) Seriously? I only accept Rossy but no Rossy-bear
Laura:(giggles) But it's so cute!
Ross: And embarrassing
Laura: Whatever (smiles and kisses him again)

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?