Chapter 129

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On Saturday Morning

Ross:(making breakfast)

Stormie:(walks down) Morning sweetie, why are you up so soon?

Ross: Well our flight is at 9:00am so I gotta wake up early

Stormie:(checks the time) At 6:00am?

Ross:(nods) I have to make breakfast, which is at least 45 minutes--

Stormie: For the both of you?

Ross:(shakes his head) For everyone

Stormie: Oh okay

Ross: Then take a shower which takes me... at least 15 minutes then to pick out my clothes are 10 minutes, drying hair another 15, getting hair done 20 then pack my carry on and yeah

Stormie: That's only an hour though

Ross:(nods) I know but I have a feeling that me and Laura are gonna have a lot of things to talk about and also getting her to wake up and we want to chill out

Stormie:(nods) I get it, well carry on then (yawns) I'm gonna go back to sleep since I don't have to make breakfast


Stormie:(kisses his cheek and goes back upstairs)

Ross:(makes breakfast)

A little while later

Ross:(puts breakfast on the table getting everyone a plate with food ready for them) (goes upstairs and takes a shower)

After his shower

Ross:(walks out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and puts on socks and boxers and looks for some clothes to wear)

Laura:(slowly wakes up) Ross?

Ross:(looks at her) Oh hey baby (walks over to her and kisses her forehead)

Laura:(smiles little) Hey

Ross: Did you sleep well?

Laura:(nods) Yeah

Ross: Well you go eat breakfast now

Laura: I'll take shower first

Ross: Okay then

Laura:(takes the towel from his waist and hangs it over her shoulder)

Ross: Hey! You're lucky I have boxers on! I could've been naked!

Laura: I saw your socks Ross!

Ross: So?!

Laura:(pokes her head out of the bathroom) Whenever you have socks on after your shower, I know you have your boxers on, it's kind of obvious

Ross: Well not for me

Laura: Then you're oblivious

Ross: Stop using big words!

Laura:(rolls her eyes and closes the door taking a shower)

Ross:(looks at his clothes) What to wear? (grabs a black short sleeve shirt with a red, orange & yellow stacking design *A/N: I couldn't see what the shirt actually looked like*, ripped skinny jeans, his black beanie and his yellow high top converse) (looks in the mirror) Looks good (grabs his hair gel and walks in Stormie & Mark's room) Mom

Stormie:(yawns and wakes up) Yeah sweetie?

Ross:(shows her the hair gel)

Stormie:(smiles) Come here

Ross:(smiles and sits at the edge of their bed) (hands her the gel)

Stormie:(gets her fingers covered in gel and does his hair)

Ross:(plays with his fingers)

Stormie: So how was the dance sweetie?

Ross: It was good at the start

Mark: Those words don't sound promising

Ross:(shakes his head) Then Cassie came--

Stormie: The Cassie that keeps stalking you?

Ross:(nods) She came back and joined forces with Maia and are now gonna hurt Laura, me and the rest of my friends for revenge and Maia still loves me

Stormie: Oh sweetie, that's awful

Mark: If there's something that has to do with Maia, she must've done something to hurt Laura

Ross:(nods) Cassie pulled her by her hair hard and Maia yelled at her almost making Laura cry. You wouldn't believe how sad Laura looked (sighs) It broke my heart

Stormie:(smiles) Awe, young love

Ross:(embarrass) Shut up mom

Stormie:(smiles) You're done sweetie

Ross: Thanks mom (stands up taking the gel and walks out and goes to his and Laura's room) Laura? (hears the shower still on) Must be in the bathroom still (grabs his bag and puts his headphones,books and other things he'll need in his bag) Oh yeah, gotta charge my electronics (charges his electronics and Laura's too) (grabs Laura's bag and packs some things he'll know she'll need)

Laura:(walks out of the shower)

Ross: Hey beautiful, just packed you a few things in your carry on. I probably didn't get it all though

Laura: It's okay, thanks Rossy (kisses his cheek)

Ross:(smiles) No problem. I'm gonna go get us our breakfast (walks down)

Laura:(grabs her clothes and dries herself off changing) (A/N: Go search up airport outfits for Ross Lynch and go look for the 21th photo and you'll see Laura's outfit but imagine her with loose curls and wearing her light brown wedges)

Ross:(walks back up) Sorry it took long, I heated them up since it got cold

Laura:(nods) That's okay

Ross: You look cute

Laura:(smiles) Thanks (sits down and puts light makeup on)

Ross: Laur no makeup please

Laura: Fine, I'll just put up lip gloss and mascara, okay?

Ross: Okay but that better be it

Laura:(nods and does her makeup then puts on her earring, her bracelets and necklace)

Ross:(pats a spot next to him)

Laura:(sits next to him)

Ross:(hands her plate of food to her)

Laura: Thanks (eats)

Ross:(eats) So. What's on your mind right now?

Laura: What do you mean?

Ross: how are you feeling from yesterday?

Laura: Well.... a little sad still but I'm getting over it. I'm also a little scared

Ross: It's okay, I'm a little scared too, to be honest but don't worry, I got your back

Laura:(smiles) Thanks Ross

Ross:(nods) Yup

Laura: I just hope they didn't get anyone now

Ross:(nods) Yeah, I mean we're gonna be leaving soon so yeah

Laura: Maybe but I don't know, I can still be a little jumpy

Ross: I don't blame you, I mean your sister is pretty nuts

Laura:(giggles) yeah

Ross & Laura:(talk and eat and get ready for their trip)

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