A few hours later *Night*
everyone:(in their pj's watching Christmas movies)
Laura:(on Ross's lap cuddled up to his chest)
Ross:(has his arms around her wrapping themselves in a blanket)
Becky: So guys, when are you gonna start the band and who's doing what?
Riker: Well we know Ratliff is on drums & Rydel is on key board but for Rocky, Ross & I we have no idea
Ross: It's your turn to think about this guys. Laura and I have done enough already
Rocky: I really want to play guitar though
Ross: So do I and Riker to though
Laura: Why don't you all do it? Like Ross & Rocky can play guitar and Riker maybe can do bass
Riker:(nods) That's a good idea Laura
Ross:(smiles) I'm so glad I'm dating you (kisses her cheek)
Laura:(smiles) I know, I'm amazing (jokes)
Ratliff: We still need a lea singer
Rydel: Ross should do it
Ross: Me? But you guys have way better voices then I do
Rocky: Don't be silly bro, you have a really good voice and you should be the lead singer
Ross:(smiles) Okay then
Laura:(smiles) You guys are gonna rock at that gig
R5: Thanks
The Next Day
Laura & Ross:(asleep in eachother's arms)
R4/R/B/L/N:(walks in their room slowly and quietly)
Riker:(whispers) Ready?
everyone:(nods and turns on their bull horn)
Riker: 1....2....3!
everyone: WAKE UP!!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!
mini R5:(runs in and jumps on Ross & Laura's bed)
Laura:(jolts up) AH!!!!!!
Ross:(still asleep)
Becky: How is he still asleep after all this?
mini R5:(sits down)
Laura: He's a heavy sleeper. I f there was a fire going on he wouldn't notice and would be burned down with the house. Not that we'd do that though (gets up and goes in their attached bathroom)
Noah: What are you doing?
Laura:(walks back with a big bucket full of cold water) Hey mini R5, unless you want to be in the splash zone I would move if I were you
mini R5:(jumps off of the bed)
Laura:(dumps all the water on Ross) WAKE UP!!! IT'S CHRISTMAS!!!
Ross:(still asleep)
Laura:(rolls her eyes) I'm dating sleeping beauty here guys
Laura:(leans in to Ross and kisses him............. soon feels him kiss back) (smiles and pulls away) Morning sleepy beauty
Ross: Why call me that?
Ryland: Bc you wouldn't wake up and we tried cruel ways to wake you up then Laura kissed you then you woke up. This is like sleeping beauty
Ross: Okay, I guess I thank you my....... prince charming?
Laura:(giggles) You're welcome princess
Ross: Why am I wet and why do you guys have bullhorns and why does Laura have a bucket?
Laura: Yeah..... this was all part of how to wake you up
Ross: Well thanks for nothing (gets up) I'm gonna go change into dry pj's
everyone:(but Laura & Ross) CHRISTMAS!!!! (runs downstairs)
Laura:(smiles and sits down)
Ross: Aren't you gonna go with them?
Laura: I want to wait for you and besides I need to get this bed head hair out
Ross:(chuckles) Alright (grabs his clothes and walks into the bathroom changing)
Laura:(combs her hair getting her hair all smoothed and gorgeous) (smiles) There we go
Ross:(walks out) Ready to open so many presents?
Laura: You didn't get me that many did you?
Ross:(shakes his head)
Laura:(looks at him)
Ross:(smiles) Just lighten up and let's go down and see (takes her hand intertwining it with his and walks down the stairs)
Ellen: Oh merry Christmas you two
Laura:(smiles) Thanks mom
Stormie: Come sit and join us
Ross:(sits down on the floor leaning his back on the couch)
Laura:(sits in between his legs leaning onto his chest with Ross's arms wrapped around her)
Stormie:(takes a picture) Awe!
Ross:(groans) Mom!
Mark: Alright, let's go open these presents (hands them out to everyone with help from Stormie & Ellen)
Laura:(eyes widen) Why did I get so many gifts?!
Rydel:(giggles) Those are all Ross's, there's still more
Laura:(looks at Ross) Why did you spend so much?
Ross: Bc you deserve it
Laura: Yeah but I just used up alot of your money, I'll pa--
Ross: No need Laura. I have a lot of money
Laura: If you do then why did you say that I couldn't have my $25 back then?
Ross: Bc I wanted to kiss you, duh
Laura:(Rolls her eyes playfully) Whatever
Becky: Go open it Laur
Laura: Which one?
Ross:(hands her one) Open this
Laura: Alright (opens it and sees a beautiful pair of red converse) Yes! I really needed new ones anyways. Did you get me this Ross?
Ross:(shakes his head) You're gonna be opening mine l8r
Laura: Alright then
Riker: I gave you that Laur
Laura:(smiles) Thanks Riker
Ross: Go open more
Laura: Yeah yeah
They all open their presents
A little while later
Ross: There's more Laura, open them!
Laura: I already got a lot of gifts, I'm not gonna have enough room in my suit case to put these all in besides you gave me a lot already. I knew guitar, beats, make up, clothes everything! What else could you possibly give me?
Ross:(hands her a little one) Just open it
Laura: Fine (opens it and sees a ring) Oh my god Ross

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?