Chapter 128

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A little while later

the gang:(walks in the school dance)

Laura:(smiles) Wow, not bad for the last dance of the year

Ross:(nods looking at her) Come on, let's dance (takes Laura's hand and leads her to the dance floor dancing with her)



the gang:(but Piper & Noah) (go dance with Laura & Ross)

Noah: You wanna dance?

Piper:(shakes her head)

Noah:(looks at her) What's wrong? You look nervous

Piper: Because I am

Noah: What's wrong? (takes her hands holding them)

Piper: I'm nervous of how people think of me

Noah: How people think how beautiful you are? (smiles) How great of a person you are and how much you mean to me?

Piper:(smiles blushing) How much?

Noah: A lot (smiles)

Piper:(blushes more)

Noah: Don't think people will talk mean behind our back, they won't

Piper:(smiles) Thanks Noah

Noah:(kisses her forehead) No problem (Smiles) Now let's go dance

Piper: Okay (smiles)

Noah & Piper:(join the gang and dance together)

A little while later

Ross & Laura:(slow dancing together like everyone else)

Laura:(looks into Ross's eyes)

Ross:(looks at her) What? You've been staring at me for like half way through the song

Laura:(Snaps out of it) Oh sorry (looks down)

Ross:(lifts her chin up with his finger) I never said I didn't like it

Laura:(smiles blushing) You charmer

Ross: Guilty as charge (chuckles)

Laura:(Smiles more)

Ross:(looks around) I haven't seen your sister yet

Laura: Oh yeah, I completely forgot about her

Ross: It's okay, I don't blame you, you should

Laura:(looks around) Maybe she didn't want to come

Ross:(Shrugs) Maybe

Laura:(Smirks) You just broke her pity heart

Ross:(chuckles) Nice

Laura:(smiles resting her head on his chest) I love you Ross

Ross:(smiles) I love you too (holds her closer to him)

Laura:(looks at him and peck kisses his lips)

Ross:(smiles) I love your kisses

Laura: And I love you (smiles and peck kisses his lips again)

Ross: Stop being such a tease and give me a real kiss

Laura:(giggles) As you wish your majesty (leans in and kisses him)

Ross:(kisses back)

???:(pulls Laura back by the hair)

Laura:(pulls away from Ross hurt) Ow! (holds her head trying to get her head back)

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