Luke & Noah:(gets her up)
Noah: What happened? Why is Ross going with the police?
Luke: H-He g-going t-t-to j-ja-jail....
Luke & Noah: What!?
Luke: We should take you home
Noah: You mean Ross's house
Laura: Just go!
Noah & Luke:(walks out)
Laura:(stands there crying)
Luke & Noah:(quickly get Laura into the car and drives to Ross's house)
everyone:(walks away to class)
Amber:(eyes widen)
Maia:(Walks up to her smiling) Good plan, huh?
Amber: No! That was terrible!
Maia: Well it was something I could get back at them for
Amber: What the hell is wrong with you Maia!?
Maia: I'm mad alright!! I just need to take the anger out and that was the only way how I could think of alright!!
Amber:(sighs) Okay. I understand that you're mad and all but you can't just do this. Ross could be in serious trouble now Maia and when they find out that it wasn't true at all, they're gonna be looking and looking till they find the person who did this
Maia: Doesn't matter. They'll never find out it was me (walks away)
Amber: Don't be so sure about yourself Maia (walks away to class)
At the Lynch house
everyone:(at the couch watching t.v)
Knock! Knock! Knock!
Stormie: Who could that be? (opens the door and sees Laura, Noah & Luke) Oh Laura, why are you crying sweetie? Where's Ross?
Stormie:(pulls her into a hug)
Noah: Ross is in jail
Stormie: What!? Why!?
Luke: He's been accused for abusing Laura
Stormie:(pulls away looking at Laura) Did he Laura?
Laura:(shakes her head) Maia lied and said he did (cries)
Stormie: You go sit down (leads her to the couch and sits her down)
Luke: We got to go back to school
Stormie: Thank you for bringing her here guys
Luke & Noah:(nods and walks out)
Rydel: What's going on mom?
Laura:(looks down crying) I-I'm sorry....
Riker: What's she talking about mom?
Stormie: Ross (tears up) He's in jail
everyone:(but Laura & Stormie) WHAT!?
Rocky: How did that happen?
Stormie: Apparently Maia lied and said Ross was abusing Laura
Ryland: Are you serious?
Stormie:(nods) We got to go see him
Laura:(looks up at everyone with tears in her eyes) I'm sorry everyone
Rydel:(hugs her) Don't be Laura, it's not your fault
Laura:(Cries into her shoulder)
Ratliff: Well let's go see him then
Mark: Let's go everyone
everyone:(gets in the car and drives to the jail)
A little while later
At jail
Laura:(runs in)
cop:(stops her) Who are you here for?
Laura: I'm looking for Ross
cop: Follow me then (leads her to Ross's cell)
Laura:(Sees him and runs up to his cell) Ross!
Ross:(stands up) Laura! (rushes up to her)
Laura:(looks at him and tears up) I'm sorry Ross
Ross: It's alright Laura (looks at the officer) Can you please open the cell please so she can come in? I really need to hug her and kiss her right now and she really needs a hug from me
cop: I don't know Ross
Ross: Please
cop: Fine only bc I know you didn't actually do this (opens his cell)
Laura:(rushes into his arms crying)
Ross:(holds her tightly tearing up) It's okay Laur, I'm right here
Laura:(cries into his chest) I-I'm s-s-sorry...
Ross: It's okay, shh
Lynch family:(rushes up to them) Ross!
Ross:(looks up at them) Oh hey guys (smiles weakly)
Stormie: Are you okay sweetie?
Ross:(nods) Yeah
Mark: We're here to get you out of here
Ross: We don't have any evidence that I'm innocent
Laura:(wipes her tears pulling away from him) We do actually
Ross: You do?
Laura: Well.... not yet but we will soon
Ross: Okay
Laura: I love you Ross
Ross:(Smiles) I know, I love you too
Laura: I'm sorry this happened to you
Ross: It's not your fault Laura
Laura: It sure feels like it
Ross: It isn't though, don't be so hard on yourself
Laura:(takes a deep breathe) Okay (kisses him)
Ross:(Smiles kissing back)
everyone:(smiles at them)
Laura:(Slowly pulls away still having her face in kissing range) I'm gonna get you out of here soon Ross, what ever it takes
Ross:(smiles) Okay
cop: Hate to ruin the moment everyone but it's time for Ross to go
Ross:(Sighs) Right
Laura:(peck kisses his lips) I'll get you out of here
Ross: Okay (kisses her cheek) Bye beautiful
Laura:(tears up but smiles) Bye handsome
Ross:(Smiles and leaves with the cop)
Riker: It's gonna be alright Laura
Laura:(nods) Let's go, I got to get Ross proven innocent
everyone:(nods) Right (gets in the car and drives)
Ratliff: How are we gonna do that though?
Laura: We're gonna go hack into Maia's computer and get those fake pictures
Riker: None of us are that smart to do that
Laura: No... but I do know one person
Rydel: Who?
Laura: But it's gonna be a big cost
Rocky: Who?
Laura: Well.....
everyone: Who!?

Do I love you?
FanficThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?