With the Lynch's
Stormie: Ross come out now
Riker: Ross, come on
Rydel: Ross come on, it'll help if you talked about it
Mark: Ross come out
Ross: NO!
Knock! knock! knock!
Ryland: I got it (walks down opening the door)
N/B/L: Hey Ryland
Ryland: Hey guys, please come in
N/B/L:(walks in)
Luke: How's Ross?
Ross: NO! AHHH!!!
Ryland: Well... not so well. There's a lot of screaming and yelling involved
Noah: We can tell
Bradley: And he's been acting like this all week?
Ryland: Well there was crying at first, then silence but crying, then shouting then screaming then all at once
Noah: Geez, not a good sleep for you guys I see
Ryland: It isn't
Luke: We'll talk to him
Ryland: Thanks
L/B/N:(goes upstairs to Ross's room)
Stormie: Oh hey boys
L/N/B:(waves) Hi Mrs. Lynch
Noah: Do you mind if we talk to Ross alone?
Mark: Please do, I think it would be better if his best friend's talked to him
Lynch family:(walks down)
Noah:(knocks on the door) Ross, open the door man
Bradley: It's us. Your best friends
Luke: Well your best guy friends, we know your best friend is Laura and--
Ross: AHHH!!!
Bradley & Noah:(glares at Luke)
Luke: Oops
Noah:(rolls his eyes) Open up man
Bradley: Ryland's right about the screaming and yelling
Luke: I got it guys (picks the lock) Just like that we're in (opens the door walking in with Bradley & Noah)
Ross:(throws something at them)
Bradley: DUCK!!
N/B/L:(crouch down avoiding the object) (stands up slowly)
Luke:(looks at the object) Your guitar!? Really!?
Ross:(glares at them then soon tears up which follows to a waterfall and leans back on the wall sliding down till he reaches the floor)
L/N/B:(feels bad and is about to walk up to him)
Ross:(pulls at his pocket knife) Back away!!
Noah: Looks like violence is another one in his heart breaks
Bradley: Woah man, calm down
Luke: It's us, your best friends. Bradley, Noah & Luke
Ross:(still holding the pocket knife up but shaking his arm) S-Stay away!
Noah: Bro, you need to relax
Bradley: We just want to talk
Ross:(slowly lowers the knife dropping it onto the floor)
Luke:(quickly takes the knife) I'll be taking this till you're stable (puts it in his pocket)
Noah: Ross, what's up with you?
Ross: It's Laura!
Bradley: Okay, can we have a conversation with no yelling acquired?
Ross:(takes a couple breathes and whispers (A/N: He'll be whispering through the whole conversation) It's Laura
Luke: I don't think that's what Bradley was talking about
Noah: It's better then yelling
Ross: She left me
Bradley: Do you know why?
Ross:(shakes his head) I don't know, maybe it's something that I did
Luke: All you've been doing is being a loving and caring boyfriend
Noah: Yeah, you can't be the problem
Ross: I could be
Bradley: She has been thinky
Ross:(sighs) I don't know, I just want my Laura back
Luke: And we'll get her back for you
Ross: She broke up with me guys, she doesn't love me anymore
Noah: That's crazy though, she loves you
Ross: She use to
Bradley: Don't say that man she--
Ross: Stop saying she loves me! She doesn't! She broke up with me meaning she doesn't love me!! You know she broke up with me so why are you saying she still loves me!? She doesn't!! (walks up closer to them) YOU HEAR ME!? SHE DOESN'T LOVE ME ANYMORE!!!
N/B/L:(scared and back away slowly then soon running away)
Ross:(mad and punches the wall) AHH!!!!!
With teh guys
L/N/B:(in Bradley's car just sitting there shock)
Luke: That's the first time he ever yelled at us before
Noah: He's hurting man, he had to let it out
Bradley: We came at a wrong time since he took it out on us
Noah: He's been taking it out on his family all week
Luke: True
Noah:(gets a text) Guys, the girls want to meet with us at the ice cream shop
Bradley:(starts the car) Let's go then (drives to the ice cream shop)
A few minutes later
B/N/L:(walks in the shop)
Luke: I see them (walks up to the girls with Noah & Bradley)
Becky & Jen: Hey
B/N/L: Hey (sits down)
Noah: So, how's Laura?
Becky: Terrible, she ignored us and barely talked
Jen: She only whispered to us and said sorry a lot
Luke: Why?
Jen:(shrugs) We don't know. She didn't want this to happen though, it just had to be done she says
Bradley: What, she was forced to break up with Ross or something?
Becky: I don't think so
Noah: This is very weird
B/B/L/J:(nods) Yeah
Jen: We have to do something to get our best friend's back together
Becky: But Laura broke up with Ross
Jen: So?
Becky: How can we get them back together when Laura already broke up with Ross
Noah: Yeah, like Laura obviously had a reason to break up with Ross
Bradley: Like not loving him anymore
Jen: Don't be crazy guys, Laura loves Ross. You know that
Luke: But still
B/B/L/J:(talks about Ross & Laura and everything)

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?