With Ross
Ross:(laying on the floor of his room throwing a mini basket ball up to the ceiling and catching it)
Rydel:(walks in) Ross what are you doing?
Ross: What does it look like? I'm throwing a mini basket ball up to the ceiling and catching it, duh
Rydel: I mean why aren't you in school?
Ross:(sighs) I just couldn't concentrate
Rydel: Didn't you have lunch?
Ross: I just didn't want to go to school, alright
Rydel: What's wrong? You were always so eager to go to school
Ross: That was bc I was able to see my beautiful girlfriend but now... (sighs) she's nothing but a friend, just a friend
Rydel: Then what are you waiting for? Go after her
Ross: I can't, she broke up with me and I don't know what I did wrong to fix it
Rydel: She loved you for you Ross, you don't need to change anything
Ross: Obviously I do bc if I there was nothing wrong with my personality then she wouldn't have broken up with me (eyes widen sitting up) She must've fallen for another guy (groans) Oh come on! (lays back on the floor spread out)
Rydel: Ross she couldn't, she loves you
Ross:(takes a deep breathe) I know but.... if she did then why did she break up with me?
Rydel: I don't know really but there must be a reason why
Ross:(sits up leaning on his bed side) Here's my reason, she's competely bored with me and wants to find a way more interesting boyfriend
Rydel: Ross you always made her laugh, you always brighten up her mood, you are her best friend
Ross: Yeah so, maybe in a best friend thing but what about a boyfriend thing?
Rydel: What's the difference?
Ross: I don't know! (frustrated) All I know is that I'm not good enough for her!
Rydel: Calm down Ross. It sounds like you've been drinking
Ross:(Sighs calming down) Sorry and I have not been drinking
Rydel: Yeah yeah (sits next to him)
Ross:(rest his head on her shoulder) What should I do Rydel?
Rydel: I don't know but I'll try talking to Laura about why she broke up with you
Ross: Really?
Rydel: Sure
Ross: Thanks
Rydel: In the mean time, you figure out on how to get Laura back (stands up and walks out)
Ross:(thinks of how to get Laura) (gets an idea) What's better then getting her jealous and to make her feel regretting of ever breaking up with me? (Smiles and calls someone) Hey, can you meet me at teh school parking lot in a half hour?...... Okay good, see you then (hangs up) (takes a deep breathe) This is all for you Laura
With Laura *a half hour later*
Laura:(doing her homework on her bed listening to music on her stero)
Ellen:(Walks in) Hey sweetie
Laura: Oh hey mom (turns off her stereo with a remote)
Ellen:(sits in front of her)

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?