Ross:(asleep in his room hugging his guitar)
Rydel:(walks in and sees Ross asleep) (Smiles and takes his guitar away putting a blanket over him but realizes he's crying) (Whispers) What? (looks at Ross and sees he's been crying for a while now) (Sighs and wipes his tears away and walks out walking downstairs)
Stormie: Where's Ross?
Rydel: He's asleep
Stormie: Why didn't you wake him up?
Rydel:(walks over to Stormie and whispers) He was crying in his sleep
Stormie:(nods) Okay
Rydel:(Sits at the table)
Rocky: How come we don't get to know what happened to Ross?
Stormie: Just eat Rocky
Rocky:(Shrugs and starts eating)
Laura:(looks at Rydel)
Rydel:(mouths) I'll tell you later
After dinner
Rydel:(sits on the couch)
Laura:(sits next to her) Well? Are you gonna tell me now or what?
Rydel: He was just crying in his sleep
Laura: What? Why?
Rydel:(Shrugs) I don't know, he's just crying
Laura:(bites her lips feeling guilty) I-I'll be back (Runs upstairs about to walk in Ross's room)
Riker:(grabs her wrist pulling her back)
Laura: Riker?
Riker: Please forgive Ross
Laura: That's what I'm doing but I don't want to at the same time
Riker: Why?
Laura: He never told me anything about hi scholarship and I feel like he doesn't have enough trust in me like I have in him
Riker: He didn't tell us either Laura
Laura: He didn't?
Riker:(Shakes his head) Nope but it's okay bc we know he didn't to not tell us and we're proud of him either way
Laura: So what you're saying is, I should forgive him?
Riker:(nods) He makes a lot of mistakes Laur, don't let this one thing make a dent in your guys's relationship
Laura:(smiles a bit) Thanks Riker (Walks in Ross's room) Ross?
Laura:(sits down on the bed having Ross face her) (lays down having her arm hold her weight up and plays with Ross's hair)
Ross:(wakes up) Laura?
Laura:(Smiles a bit) Hi
Ross: I thought you're mad at me
Laura: I was but Riker gave me brother advice and now I'm good
Ross: I'm sorry
Laura:(nods) I know you are, I forgive you
Ross: Really? Because I still feel guilty (frowns)
Laura:(peck kisses his lips) I forgive you, alright?
Ross:(smiles a bit) Okay
Laura: You want dinner?
Ross:(shakes his head)
Laura: Yes you do
Ross: Not really
Laura: Ross Lynch, doesn't want to eat? (fake gasps)
Ross: Yeah yeah yeah (wraps his arms around her waist and hugs her tightly holding her close to him)
Ross: I missed you
Laura: What are you talking about? We just didn't talk for a few hours
Ross: I still missed you
Laura:(chuckles shaking her head) Oh Ross
Ross: It's not my fault I love you so much
Laura:(turns around so she's facing him) (smiles) I love you too (peck kisses his lips)
Laura:(hides her face in his chest) So... are you really gonna take the scholarship?
Ross: I have a 90% chance of getting in Laur and I don't have any other good talent in me
Laura: What about your music?
Ross: I'm not good with music
Laura: Are you kidding me?! You're amazing!
Ross: Yeah but not that good
Laura: Ross you're amazing
Ross:(shrugs) Don't know. What about you? What college are you going to?
Laura: Well.....
Ross: What?
Laura: I got into a _______ in Chicago
Ross: You did?! Oh my god Laura! (hugs her tightly) I'm so proud of you! (peck kisses her)
Laura:(Smiles) Thanks Ross but (frowns) It's far away from your college
Ross: I don't think it's gonna be that far away
Laura: What college are you going to?
Ross: I'm going to _______, In Boston
Laura: Ross, that's so far away
Ross:(Sighs) Yeah
Laura: I'll miss you too much and there will probably be girls who want to go after you and date you
Ross: Yeah but I'll tell them that I'm taken to a special beautiful talented girl
Laura:(smiles) Thanks Ross
Ross:(kisses her forehead) Maybe I should go to a community college so I'll be closer to you
Laura:(pokes her head up) Are you crazy?
Ross: I'm just--
Laura: Ross, you're getting a full scholarship, this is a huge offer. You have to take this, don't lose this because of me
Ross: B-But.... I'll miss you too much
Laura: I know you will and I'll miss you too but you can't let me be the cause of not chasing your dream. You've always wanted to be a football player
Ross: But what if you're my new dream
Laura:(Smiles) Well I'm flattered but don't be all romantic with me now
Laura: You're gonna be a great football athlete, it's your dream, don't be stupid and say no to this, many people have dreamed to get a full scholarship
Ross: I guess you're right
Laura: You're gonna do amazing (peck kisses his lips) I believe in you
Ross:(Smiles) Thanks Laura
Laura: Only speaking the truth
Ross:(Smiles and hugs her) I love you so much
Laura: I love you too (smiles)

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?