A few hours later
Laura:(asleep on Ross's bed in the covers)
Ross:(sitting at the side just watching her)
Rydel:(walks in) Hey Ross
Ross:(looks at her) Oh hey
Rydel:(looks at Laura) How she holding up?
Ross:(sighs) You should've seen her face. She looked so sad and hurt, she doesn't have her family anymore, we're the only ones there for her
Rydel: I understand you feel sad Ross, it's okay
Ross: Why do I feel like this is all my fault?
Rydel: It's not, so kick that feeling away
Ross: Okay
Rydel: You should get some sleep, you have school tomorrow
Ross: Right (yawns) Alright then
Rydel: Night (walks out shutting the door)
Ross:(changes for bed and gets in the covers with Laura)
Laura:(turns to him) Hey
Ross: What are you doing up?
Ross:(rest his hand on her cheek rubbing her cheek with his thumb) Are you okay?
Laura:(nods) Yeah, a little
Ross: I'm sorry that happened to you
Laura: It's okay
Ross: Well we can continue this conversation l8r, let's get some sleep first
Laura:(yawns) Okay (closes her eyes and goes to sleep)
Ross:(goes to sleep too)
The Next Morning
Ross:(wakes up seeing no Laura beside him) (sits up rubbing his eyes) Laura? (walks down to the kitchen)
Stormie: Morning sweetie
Ross: Morning mom
Stormie: What are you doing in your boxers still? Go get ready for school
Ross: Oh yeah, school. Um.... have you seen Laura though?
Stormie: She's outside in the backyard
Ross: Is she alright?
Stormie: I'm not sure, she was out there when I came down
Ross: I better check up on her (About to go)
Stormie: Wait Ross, give her some time
Ross:(looks at her) Okay (sighs)
Stormie: Go get ready for school now, it's already 7:00am
Ross: Okay (goes upstairs to their room and takes a shower)
A little while later
Ross:(walks down with his and Laura's bag ready for school)
Stormie: You look nice (smiles)
Ross: If you say cute, I will kill you mom
Stormie:(playfully pushes him) Whatever
Ross: I'm gonna check up on Laur
Stormie: Here, you might as well eat while talking (hands him a plate of food)
Ross:(takes it) Thanks mom (walks out to where Laura is)
Laura:(has her back at Ross sitting on the hammock just looking up at the sky)
Ross:(walks behind her) Hey
Laura:(jumps up a bit scared) Ross, don't do that
Ross: Sorry (sits down next to her)
Laura: It's fine (relaxes again)
Ross: What time did you wake up?
Laura: 6:00am
Ross: Why didn't you wake me up?
Laura: You're not an early person really
Ross: So? I still want to know that you're okay
Laura: Of course I'm okay
Ross: Are you?
Laura:(sighs) Okay maybe not so okay
Ross: Is about what happened yesterday?
Laura: A little
Ross:(wraps his arm around her giving her a side hug) It's okay Laur
Laura: I don't have the family that I use to have in Italy, I don't know what's happening
Ross: It's just Maia messing with your parents mind, don't worry
Laura: I know but Maia wasn't this mental in Italy though. Sure she was crazy and a little mean of a sister but she was sometimes there for me, but now I don't know what's wrong with her
Ross:(rubs her arm) It's okay Laur, don't stress over this please, it's not good for you
Laura: I try to I really do but it just comes in my mind, there's no stopping it
Ross: So if you could stop it, what would it be?
Laura: To have my family the way your family is. A happy family, always spend time together, no drama or anything, just a happy family
Ross:(feels really bad) Don't worry Laur, I'll do whatever it takes for you to have your proper family
Laura:(Smiles weakly) Thanks Ross
Ross:(smiles) No problem, now let's get eating on this breakfast, my mom cooked really hard for this breakfast
Laura:(Smiles) Okay (Takes her fork and starts eating some of the food)
Ross:(does the same) (looks at her and smiles kisses her head)
Laura:(smiles blushing a bit) You're cute
Ross:(chuckles blushing a bit) No problem (checks the time on his watch) We gotta leave soon
Laura:(groans laying back on the hammock) I don't feel like going to school
Ross: Well to bad, we have to (pokes her sides)
Laura:(Giggles) Stop it! (swats his hands away)
Ross:(chuckles) You're so ticklish
Laura: So are you (tickles his sides)
Ross:(laughs) O-Okay! Stop it!
Laura:(stops smiling) And I'm the one who's ticklish. Pff please!
Ross:(rolls his eyes playfully) Whatever (shoves food in her mouth)
Laura:(glares at him)
Ross:(smiles innocently) Love you (kisses her cheek and stands up)
Laura:(swallows her food and stands up too) Where you going?
Ross: We gotta go to school genius
Laura: Ugh fine! (walks inside)
Ross:(chuckles and walks inside)

Do I love you?
FanfictionThe Marano family moves from Italy to Cali. Laura & Maia Marano walk in the school. One of them catching the eye of one certain blonde. Who will the young blonde pick out of the two Marano sisters? Laura or Maia?