Chapter 6

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At lunch

Laura:(in line getting her food)

Ross:(sees her and wraps his arms around her from behind) Hey

Laura:(smiles) Hey and get your arms off of me, my sister could see us

Ross: Right (takes his arms off of her) Can we share Laur?

Laura: What? My lunch?

Ross:(nods) I rushed so much that I forgot my lunch money

Laura:(smiles) Sure

Ross:(smiles) Thanks. Let's go to our table then

Laura:(Smiles and follow Ross) Hey guys

B/N/L: Hey

Laura & Ross:(sits down)

Noah: So (smirks) We hear that you two are going on a date

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Don't you have anyone else to bug on their personal life?

Noah:(shakes his head) Nope. The next guy I need to annoy isn't until 1:00pm so I got time

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Whatever

Ross:(takes half of Laura's sandwich and eats)

Luke: Where's your lunch Ross?

Ross:(talks with his mouth open full of food) I forgot my lunch money

Laura: Ew! At least finish eating before you talk Ross

Ross:(nods and swallows his food) There

Laura:(playfully rolls her eyes)

Maia:(walks up to them) Hey Laura, do you have my papers?

Laura:(confused) What papers?

Maia: You know, those papers that I gave you to study for that test

Laura:(chokes on her food)

Ross:(pats her back)

Laura: We have a test!?

Maia:(gives her 'the' look)

Laura:(rolls her eyes and smirks) Geez Maia. If you want me to introduce you to him then why didn't you say so?

Maia:(eyes widen)


Maia:(gives her 'the' look)

Laura:(rolls her eyes) Guys, this is my sister Maia. Maia, this is Noah, Bradley, Luke & Ross


Noah: Hey beautiful babe

Maia: Not interested (fake smiles and turns to Ross)

Noah:(pretends to be offended) Well

Maia: Hey Ross (smiles flirty)

Ross:(creeped out) Uh... hi?


Maia:(ignores her) Thanks for saving me yesterday (rest her hand on his shoulder) You're my hero (lowers her hand down to his chest and more)

Ross:(removes her hand off of him) Um... you're welcome I guess?

Laura:(giggles and text Maia)

Laura: You're scaring the poo out of him

Maia: Oh whatever Laura. Just let me work my magic

Laura: Any more of that 'magic' and soon enough you'll get him repelled from you. Cool it down

Maia: Oh whatever. Cya at the tryouts

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