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It had been three weeks since Camila had escorted Lauren home from that dark alley. It had been three weeks since Camila entered her life and announced they were soulmates. Three weeks since Lauren found out she would never feel as good as this with anyone else.

Speaking of dark alley, she asked Camila about the man that had tried to pounce on her.

Camila at the time was playing around with her clothes. They were the same size clothes but Lauren's body structure was slightly wider than Camila's and she was also taller. She saw the woman use an old oversized dress shirt and she looked so cute that Lauren had to stop herself from jumping the woman's bones.

"Did you know him?" Lauren asked curiously.

Camila didn't stop from rummaging around, "I didn't, he was a rogue who was possibly new. He was still healthy but the emotional distress must have driven him wild. Normally males relieve stress by sex and normally as well, they only mate with our kind. Your beauty must have tempted him, Love you're very attractive."

Said the person who had her back on Lauren.

"How do they become rogues?"

A shirt flew through the air and it hit Lauren in the face, she took it off and saw how small it was. Camila kept rummaging and every now and then she'd throw a shirt or two at Lauren. "There are different laws that makes that happen. For example, you killed or seriously injured another member of the pack. Another one is betraying the pack, in any kind of way. There's also packs with psychotic alphas that just kick out their family. In our pack, we rarely kick out a member. The last time we ever did was that one time we made the mistake of accepting a rogue and he betrayed us. Ever since then, I had thoroughly meet with each rogue to judge their character."

This time it was a small skirt that hit Lauren in the shoulder, "Ohh.."

They fell into a comfortable silence. She didn't know why Camila was even rearranging her closet for.

"What do I do as your Luna?" She asked out of the blue.

Camila stilled for a moment, then she went inside the closet.

Lauren got anxious for a second before remembering that even she could fit in there, the size inside was actually big.

Her mate's muffled voice answered, "Your duty first and foremost is to keep the alpha stable. Physically, emotionally,spiritually, and psychologically. You take care of me and I've always thought that rule was bullshit. Anyway, after me your duty is to remember all of my duties as well. Just in case I fell ill, or died or whatever, there will things that not even my beta knows. You will carry that on until you find a heir, whether it be our child or sofi, and you will pass it on. Third, is to give me and the pack a heir. Male, they always say but even if our first born is a female, I'll put her as the alpha. Fourth is to keep the pack together, it's like a Luna secret- i don't know anything and my mother will train you on that. And it's not exactly a duty, but you will have to get along with the alpha's family."

She resurfaced with scarves and boots Lauren knew she didn't own. Camila threw it at the side, "Don't worry, they'll love you. You're an angel."

"Most of your duties, I don't really know. I wasn't trained to be a Luna. My mom will teach you everything you'll need to do."

Lauren smiled at the thought of bonding with Camila's family, if her mate was this sweet, her entire family must be as well.

"What if I'm incapable of giving you a heir?" Lauren asked.

Camila peeked at her and she nodded slowly, lately Lauren had developed a habit of asking dangerous things like these. Challenging Camila and her love for her.

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