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Additional warning, don't judge my Spanish please. I've never studied it before, only used Google translate and I don't have any friends to ask since my country doesn't have Spanish for a second language class, we have English.


Lauren woke up with a groan, her entire body ached. She could feel bruises everywhere and she wouldn't be surprised if she had some scratches too.

She opened her eyes to see the top of the ceiling having a crack in the middle. She chuckled, remembering that she was so into their session that she couldn't exactly decipher anything else happening besides Camila's voice, her skin, her hands, her dick.

She turned her head to the side, flinching from the pain of her neck. Camila probably left hand marks around it too. She could see peices of wood littering the floor, with fluffs of the mattress and sheets with some of the pillows as well.

A strong and firm arm wrapped itself around her waist, pulling her closer to her wife, a low rumble could be heard in her chest.

Warm, she was so warm.

Camila buried her nose in Lauren's hair, feeling spent and satisfied from the long hours- no days, that they spent just indoors and making love. They didn't just ruin their bedroom, she was sure the living room was a mess as well.

"You're my favorite person." She mumbled, her lips pressed on Lauren's skin. "Mi persona favorita ."

"Te amo." Lauren turned to kiss her wife, both of them wearing soft smiles in the kiss.

Camila mumbled, "Eres mi corazon."

Her wife smiled as she pulled Camila closer to her, "Eres el amor de mi vida."

The wall on their bedroom faced the backyard and they both watched in content as the sun woke up with the rest of them.

A peaceful end to their little honeymoon. Camila sat up, stretching her back. "You wanted to go to Cuba for our second honeymoon,  amor?" The muscles on it contracting.

Lauren smiled as she traced a nail on Camila's back, cooing at the sight of scratches she left. "Yeah, you said you wanted to marry in a church as well didn't you?"

Camila hummed, her whole body aching and her skin was stinging from the marks Lauren left on her.

She turned her head to look at her wife's body, grinning at the sight of purple bruises left everywhere by her kisses alone.

Lauren reached over to their bedside table for her phone, they haven't checked the date or the time or whatever was happening in the outside world. "Damn.. We were in here for 5 days."

"Probably would have lasted months if an emergency didn't come up." Camila grumbled as she threw on her suit.

She was called in, at about 11 last night with her "Team". And as much as she wanted to brush them off, it was never a good idea to do that.

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