🌙️ -05

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Camila kept looking at Lauren's neck with greater fascination than when she looked at her eyes.

The mark on Lauren's neck was different than all the ones she saw from other people. Usually others looked pale to the point that it almost sinked to their skin. It was almost invisible for others.

But not Lauren's. Hers was a deep pitch black mark, just planted firmly like a tattoo with a faint glow around it, it radiated throughout Lauren's entire being.

She loved the fact that it was a crescent moon, and that it looked as simple as it was complicated.

It wasn't too large to be considered 'loud' but it wasn't too small that you'd have to squint. It was the perfect size of 3 inches. It looked good in any angle and Camila was proud that she helped making that.

"You're weird, stop staring at me." Lauren teased her two days after the marking.

Camila was on her lap, and she had a finger tracing the mark. "You just look way more attractive now, please kiss me. You're hot."

Lauren laughed and pulled in Camila for a playful kiss, with lip bites and all.

Camila groaned and she pushed Lauren to her back until she was laying down and Camila was towering over her. "You're so fucking hot."

"I've been told."

She was replied with a rough kiss. The first rough thing Camila did to her besides releasing her alpha air over her, she felt happy she wasn't considered that weak now. Her arms went to Camila's waist and Camila's hands found themselves inching up her mate's shirt and rubbing the skin there gently.

"My beta is visiting today." Camila managed to say.

Lauren traced her girlfriend's plump lower lip with a thumb, "What for?"

Camila chuckled and got off her, "So you'd be exposed to my kind. Dinah's kinda loud but she's sweet and kind."

"I'm kinda your kind aren't I?" Lauren sat up and found herself subconsciously feeling her mark with her fingers.

The alpha smiled and she reached out to replace Lauren's fingers to trace the tattoo. "Mhmm.. You're whatever you want to be. Technically you're in between mortality and supernatural."


Camila pursed her lips in thought, "I can live for a maximum of 500 years. And you'd be able to do that too. Although I haven't met a human that was able to live that long."

"What if I died as soon as I was 80?"

She chuckled again and pinched Lauren's cheeks, "Your stubborn ass won't let you die that young. We're stuck with each other for another few hundred of years."

Lauren leaned in to kiss her, the comfort of Camila would be the one thing she'll always crave.

Their bedroom door opened with a bang and Lauren squealed in surprise, Camila merely continued to pepper kisses on her face as she tried to see who the invader was.

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