Let's Summarize

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Alright, not exactly an update but I think people have been confused on what exactly is happening right now in the story.

I'd like to think there were arcs in this book.

The First Arc would have been Camila and Lauren meeting, it would contain when they were still in Lauren's apartment, then to visit Horizon with Clexa and it would end during their wedding and Honeymoon.

The Second Arc would be when the story had prioritize in Camila's pack and her work, that includes her team of Connor, Megan, Natalia, Kristen and Clarke. It would also contain the Rebellion, How Lauren progressed in her character as a Luna. It would end at the time when those other alphas showed up to challenge Camila for Lauren's hand, the same time the tragedy happened with Cassie and Phoebe and Lauren discovered her baby was dead plus being whizzed to another realm.

The Last Arc, yes the last is about right now. Here it's showing off an entirely new universe, where humans don't exist. As of right now in the story, Camila is currently very close in reuniting with Lauren who has been sheltered by Camila's previous reincarnation friend or close friend, Ronnie.

Okay let's stop here and let me explain a few things.

First things first, The Pride is a new universe, with it's own planet and solar system, it is slightly similar to Earth where it contains intelligent beings that rule over other animals and plants, but even then, they aren't the top of the food chain.

In Pride, Humans are extinct beings. It has been said that they were transferred to Earth, because Humans were creatures that couldn't live well with the other species, Humans were weak but cunning. And they had low life essence (magic/mana), so it was easy for them to be killed.

Currently as of  the story now, the only species that have been mentioned are:



Ice elves


(Angels and Devils)

Unlike Earth, Divinities such as gods actually do hands on work in Pride. The only gods that have been introduced so far are Eva (Goddess of Faeries and Fenrirs)  and Origin (The Creator of Pride). It is certain that there are other gods.

Ronnie, Or Veronica, or earlier mentioned as Camila Mendes, is a Dhampir. She's born from a Dracula (a higher specie of Vampire) and a pure blooded Vampire (the first one borns from their god, they were not turned, but simply born).

She has been friends with Camila's previous reincarnation, and has been a love interest for Carmella. She lived through Carmella's tragic love story with Laura, Lauren's previous reincarnation.

Ronnie is responsible for Camila being raised on Earth, she made sure to build up Eclipse as another Royal pack. She built up a new home for Carmella, then when she was born, Ronnie stayed true to her promise and basically demanded for the child to be named Camila, after her real name.

Basically, she plays a big fucking part. She's responsible for half of Camila's life, including practically everything from her pack to how she was raised.

Now it has been revealed that Camila's a Fenrir.

A Fenrir is basically a higher specie than a werewolf, like how a Dracula is more powerful than the usual vampire.

However Fenrirs are taboo in Pride. I'm not revealing why as of now, but I am quoting Camila, "My kind has the power to defeat yours." She said to a goddess.

This is the biggest reason why Ronnie jumped realms, she didn't want Camila to live another life where she couldn't be free.

Carmella, her previous reincarnation, was also a Fenrir and as a result, she was condemned. Her powers were sealed, she was weak both physically and magically.

Ronnie took a 50/50 chance for Lauren to be reborn on Earth as well.

Okay so, the ones who jumped realms this time are:

Lucy Vives

Normani Kordei

Camila Cabello

Blake (Cabello)

And Madison Masters (Ronnie's wife)

And to also punch you in, They all left while Eclipse is being attacked by Blood and Snow, two different royal packs.

War is happening over at Earth.

And that's where I'm stopping the summary.

But Honorable mentions are:

Normani was basically punched into the portal as she and Dinah fought.

(They fought about Leilani, who was already evacuated with Ally.)

Blake is going to have a bigger part into Book 2, the sequel for this story.

Camila met a god, a divinity before.

Lauren is able to manipulate fire, and she's been working inside Ronnie's office, fiddling with Ronnie's forbidden scripts.

Vero and Lucy has had a vague relationship, it is not clear whether their bond is still there or not.


As of right now, the girls who jumped realms are all separated. Blake is the only one caught and is now used as bait for Camila.

On how they knew Camila (a fenrir) has arrived, the moment Camila returned to Pride, her untapped Life Essence (which has been sealed shut on earth by Ronnie, Camila could have died because Earth lacked Life Essence, Everything would have sucked Camila's Life essence) bursted like a broken fire hydrant.

She's basically spraying her spunk everywhere, it's like a walking bomb tank, sending off missiles everywhere.

Also, she has her gift that's she still hasn't revealed :) (Clue, one gift was her power to link minds. The other is more battle powered.)


Lauren is not full human, nor is she full Vampire. Her exact specie is unknown to herself, but to Ronnie and Camila. I think y'all know though.

Anyways too, I've been dealing with school and stuff, like...different schools, and yeah, I'm kinda swamped rn.

I'll either go away for a long time and upload everything at once (46-ending) or upload each chapter at irregular intervals. Either way, I'm not gonna hold YBAB just up on air. I'll finish one book okay? I CAN FINISH STORIES SMH.

Also, I've been dealing with trauma and uh, therapy too and new medication so I'm just gonna slide in and out of here kay?

Soooooo Das IT.

Sorry if you expected an upload, but it felt like an explanation was needed.
See you soon on Chapter 46 :))))

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