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Dedicated to one of my readers that I love so fucking much. You know who you are.


It was a quiet night.

Which was very strange considering Camila lived with Lauren and she was unusually loud ever since she and the woman married. So needless to say, she was very concerned at how quiet this particular night was.

"Babe?" Camila called out, she was on the ladder up to the roof. If she had to guess any part of the house that Lauren became quickly attached, it would be the wooden roof near the chimney where the perfect view of the sunrise and sunset would be. "You still alive up there? I heard vampires turn to ash when the sun hits them."

She could hear giggles erupting and Camila had to smile, only Lauren would ever laugh at her lame attempts at joking. She crawled up and carefully approached Lauren who was leaning against the chimney, "You look beautiful, more beautiful than the sunset right there."

Lauren turned her head to peck Camila's cheek, already falling into her wife's arms. "When I die, I want to be reincarnated into a star."

"Why talk of dying babe? I prefer you breathing and warm beside me." Camila poked her cheek as if she was scolding her.

"Well I want a baby and if I had to sacrifice my own life for one, I will." She stubbornly replied. Camila chuckled, she poked through again, this time adding a pinch.

"I don't think I can live with you gone, even something as magical and precious as the product of our love-making isn't enough to compensate for you." Camila said. She held Lauren tighter, peppering kisses on her bare shoulder. "I don't care if the whole pack goes into another rebellion for not getting a blood heir, Im not risking it mi amor."

Lauren sighed in content, she hated to break Camila's bubble but, "I'm pregnant Camz."

There was a pause.

Actually there was a very long pause.

Then Camila opened her mouth and a very uncharacteristic ramble began to spew out, "No fucking hell you're pregnant Lauren! First of all, It takes a large amount of time and fucking to get you pregnant and we barely did that, and are you even sure you're pregnant? Maybe you just missed your period, Fuck. I can't lose you yet, I need to go and research on hybrids, Lauren why didn't you tell me-!"

Lauren rolled her eyes, she clamped a hand over her wife's mouth. "Shut up for a sec."

When Camila finally calmed down, Lauren answered one of her questions. "I know I'm pregnant because I took a test and even went to Ally, I'm positive Camz."

She was going to laugh if Camila's eyes won't return to their usual size, they were the width of plates. "I promise I'm not kidding either. (AHAHAHAHA)

"Lauren.. I'm so happy but baby, princesa, you can die." Camila choked back a sob, "I'm not suggesting abortion because no, I'm not heartless but Lauren, are you sure you want this?"

"I do."


"Lauren, don't die on me."

Ally squeezed the woman's hand, trying to hold back from slapping her awake. "Lauren, you peice of shit, wake up!"

Dinah was the one who cursed out, physically restraining herself from punching the wall or anything near her. She couldn't lose her Luna, if Lauren died, Camila might as well be branded as dead.

Lauren's entire skin tone was pale yellow, beads of sweat trailing down to her neck. She was holding Ally's hand on her left and a deadly silent Camila on her right. They didn't expect for her to go into labor merely 2 months after her announcement. Her stomach was the size of 3 large watermelons combined, and it was swelling a lot.

Camila watched as her wife struggled, feeling useless from not being able to help. All she could give was moral support.

But she had to do something, it was either let Lauren give birth to these monsters then losing her life or splitting her open and taking the little devils out while Lauren could be given a temporary fixed of oxygen from Ally.

She didn't have either choice as claws tore out the center of Lauren's stomach, fluids and blood spilling as two little furry creatures wailed while clawing out. Ally immediately let go to take the children, no they were monsters, out of Lauren while Camila stood up and perfomed another forbidden ancient magic, Life exchange.

As Normani, Raven and Ally wrestled with the demons that Lauren gave birth to, Dinah held Camila to stabilized her as she muttered Greek language. Slowly, Camila's skin deflated and wrinkled while Lauren's became full and smooth, her dark luscious hair turned grey and white while Lauren's turned healthier and longer, Camila's entire physique changed.

She collapsed near Lauren who still didn't wake up from fainting.

Dinah sobbed, no, she wailed louder than the monsters who made her bestfriends lose a beat in their hearts.

It failed.

The ritual failed and not only did Camila exhaust her entire life span, it didn't give Lauren any life except a newer much more healthier look. But neither was breathing anymore.

Dinah saw red, she shifted Into her wolf and didn't hesitate to snap the devils into her mouth. She tasted blood, she heard yells, but it didn't hold her back from slamming the hybrids into the ground and stomping on them.

These were the reasons she lost Camila and Lauren.

They deserved to die, they deserved to die.

Dinah deserved to die from letting this happen.

So she shifted into her human form, took Lauren's beloved silver knife and stabbed her head with it.




Obviously that was a prank chapter, DUH.

It's not a real one, nor is it connected to the story. "I heard your voice from a dream" fucked me up and I wanted to fuck with y'all too.


Fr tho, I'm gonna update in two or three days later :) ehehehehe.

This is just to announce I have feelings and wasted an afternoon with a tub of ice-cream while praying to the gods that Lauren would get checked incase she actually has cancer like no, please my baby.

Anyway yeaaaah. Byeeeee

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