Soulmate AU

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One-shot. I was inspired and bored and honestly, I need some Camren.

[Borrowed plot from AO3. It's not my original.]

In a world where 9 billion people existed, all from different parts of the world with some just born and others dying, whoever made humans were kind enough in helping them find their soulmate.

There were two types, a platonic and romantic soulmate. And each person had their words written on each arm, only they could see it. Others would only see skin, while the owner would be able to see the whole thing written.

It came in three ways as well.

First Meeting words, it was what the name was, the first words your soulmate will say the moment you met. Most people would be relieved to have these, whether it was obvious or not. It was the easiest way of knowing who your soulmate was.

Then there was the Last words, contrast to the First Meeting, Last words were the last thing your soulmate will ever utter to you, whether they'll leave for somewhere very far, or worst yet, die.

And the last one, which was somewhat special, Moment Words, the very thing your heart desires to hear from your soulmate. Or so people that had them said.

Camila already knew who her platonic soulmate was, Dinah Jane made sure everyone knew who she was the moment she entered a room and she'd be damned if her soulmate didn't find her the moment she was there.

It wasn't their first meeting, but a special moment that Camila would always treasure and never forget.

It was her first "scandal", the road to ruining her image in the group so they could build a good excuse to kick her out.

The others didn't know, and they were offended that she wasn't as "innocent" as they had apparently assumed from the past 3 years they were together. Camila didn't blame them, even she would suddenly throw a fit if Ally had released a flurry of racist and upsetting words to her best friend in private about the other girls.

However, Dinah had knocked on her separate hotel room. She was alone, carrying Camila's cow onesie while wearing her bear one, with two large pizzas and a bottle of wine.

In hindsight, even before everything, she already knew no one else, not even Sandra or Lauren could be her platonic soulmate when Dinah Jane existed.

Not even before midnight, they were both already drunk, wearing messy make up while the two pizza boxes were finished, diet and calories be damned.

Dinah had spun her in her arms, dancing to Beyonce with a large drunk grin, "Gurl, who cares what others think?!" She had shouted, laughing at everything and nothing.

Camila nodded alongside her, adrenaline and alcohol mixing together. She pulled on Dinah's hand, taking her out of the hotel room. "I don't!"

The others were in a separate floor, so they definitely did not notice their two youngest troublemakers running off to the private pool at 11 near midnight.

The moon was large that night, and it was their only other light besides the ones that lighted up the pool, Dinah had laughed as she took Camila in her arms in a princess carry before plunging themselves into the pool.

Only they would be crazy enough to swim in the cold water while wearing heels, onesies and dark make up. But Camila knew it was because it was her and Dinah.

"Camila, remember that I'll always be here." Dinah had said, after sobering up in the morning, she pulled the Latina into her chest, "You and I against the world Cabello, even if they all turn on you, I'll always be your wall."

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