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So I'm currently punishing Lucy for being a spoiled brat. She's leashed to a table, my cat, Jinsu is leisurely watching her while on his side laying down with a satisfied face, I have further evidence with how he's flicking his tail. Ladies and gentlemen, my cat is a sadist.

Lauren had no idea what Camila was doing at the moment even though they were linked both mind and soul, she was busy with the meeting she was forced to join.

Although they had said it was a meeting for their Luna, the members of the said meeting were mostly men. Only Lauren and Normani were the female here. The male to female ratio was simply absurd.

And the ones she was dealing with were the elders of the pack, to be an elder, one needed to be able to be recognized by the alpha with achievements and contributions to the pack. It proved their strength. Age alone wasn't a factor.

However Lauren was on the brink of tearing apart their skulls.

Before the rebellion, she was under a rock with how the pack worked. Especially the normality of what the werewolf society considered was something she wasn't familiar with.

Glares and gazes of ridicule was something Lauren had become accustomed of ever since she had stepped into Camila's life. Being human and as a female in general while being beside Camila who was also an absurd person was enough to earn the hate of multiple hordes of men. Lauren never actually knew how deep the hate these men had for women.

It was on the par of fantasy books. Lauren discovered that most women in ordinary households here didn't even have a voice, they were used as chambers to relieve stress and to produce off-springs. Even their own sons didn't respect them while daughters as young as infants were already thrown aside.

It wasn't because they were weak, women had the potential to grow far more stronger than any men in the pack. A fine example would be Camila and her team. They were an extremely rare existence to the supernaturals.

However they required time and more supplies to nurture, only someone of higher ranking would be given the consideration and attention to be trained. Females of their kind grew slower, if a man required a year to surpass a level of their strength and skill, a woman of the same rank would need 3 years. That was why they ridiculed women very harshly.

They only had a maximum of 500 years to live, to actually spend 3 years per level was simply maddening and torturous. That made the major amount of women just resort to ordinary lives of being housewives.

Men had this sort of common sense that they were stronger than women just because of gender. They would automatically assume that females would submit to them. It made them into arrogant fools.

The moment the meeting started, no one had paid attention to Lauren. If not for Normani actually slicing the table in half with her bare hand, they would have continued treating Lauren with massive disrespect. If Camila had seen this, she would have kicked them out of thier positions without remorse nor guilt. It was only because she was absent that they had behaved so leisurely.

"What's the purpose of this meeting?" Lauren asked with a straightforward expression on her face. She didn't have the patience to bullshit with them.

One of the youngest, Keil, who was only 45 years old and was branded as an elder by Camila exclusively, smiled at the group of men. He was the neutral party, "I believe we were called here to be tested again."

The table chattered into seperate conversations, they had anticipated for this. After all, their titles only mattered if the alpha that had given them the title was still reigning. Camila didn't bother with them before, exempting when she added Keil to the batch. However they didn't expect for a Luna to handle their assessments.

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