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Dedicated to: canolajergiiii

Hey~♡ did you know that when you first commented, I actually squealed because I never expected an actual meaningful (I could understand) comment to be written? Then you continued to vote and comment, sometimes it was like a game where I would post a chapter and wonder if you and the others would also show up again. I hope you stay here reading until the end! Don't abandon us (The whole family in this story) when this book ends but another starts! I hope to see you commenting and voting too on the first chapter of the sequel book. ♡♡♡


Camila and Blake had been inside one of the rooms for about 2 hours now, making the atmosphere in the living room stifled as Lauren stared at the girl that the little boy had brought with him.

"Umm.. hello?" The girl awkwardly waved at her, trying to melt the ice that was squeezing them.

Lauren continued to stare, trying to remember where she had seen this girl before. She had a sense of familiarity that she couldn't discern!

The girl looked the complete opposite of Blake, she had flaming red hair with mixes of yellow, orange and red in her eyes. She was short, far shorter than Lauren and she wore a strange dress that looked like they were made from red feathers with a huge slit at the back.

"My name is Fauna!" The girl introduced herself, unable to bear Lauren's mysterious gaze on her. "I'm the daughter of a Sacred Phoenix!"

Lauren did a double take, this girl had Phoenix blood in her!

Ronnie slid in beside the girl, looking over her entire physique. It easily misunderstood the other girls, Fauna inched back with scared eyes, "U-uh, I'm straight!"

Looking at her flat chest, Ronnie grinned, "You're about five millenias too young for me."

Lauren sighed, she shoved the woman off her seat while protectively seating beside Fauna instead, "How did you meet Blake?"

They could hear Ronnie grumble in the background, which they both ignored, Fauna showed a delighted surprised look, "His name is Blake? How fitting!"

"You didn't even know his name??" The disbelief in Lauren's voice made Fauna blush in embarrassment, "How? Where the hell did you even meet him???"

Fauna blushed more, "He uh.. um!" She fidgeted in her seat, clearly even more embarrassed, "We met in a lake near my family's forest!"

"I was training my resistance to water and ice when he just fell off the cliff above the lake." Fauna recalled, trying to ignore Lauren's judgemental gaze, "He was very weak, but before he passed out, he told me to follow the shadow's arrow."

"Shadow's arrow?"

Fauna nodded, "It's a simple tracking spell. Most of the time, assassins use it to track their targets, other times desperate people use it to find their people. Blake must have used it to find you."

Lauren leaned back against her seat, her thoughts muddling her mind. Before they got here, Blake didn't know any spells and it was impossible for Camila to teach her since her mate was weak when it came to spell-casting. Someone must have taught him.

"You're too gullible." Madison cut in as she walked into the room, her eyes narrowing dangerously at Fauna, "What if he sent you to your doom?"

Fauna inched closer to Lauren's side, "He didn't and he wouldn't! My instincts told me he was a nice person!"

"I wouldn't exactly trust those instincts of yours." Camila interrupted from the doorway, she was looking at the girl with emotionless eyes, "Hold her down."

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