Curious Lolo

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Issa oneshot since I feel sorta guilty.
Always wanted to write some sort of Camcy content from before.

Lowkey I ship them.


"You're definitely thinking harder than you're supposed to."

Lauren ignored her girlfriend, eyes still stuck on the screen of her computer. She was going through a hashtag on her Tumblr page, it was interesting to say the least.

Manip pictures of Camila and Lucy went from the beginning to the end of the page, discussions of how they looked -so- good together, how they would have been better for each other, Lauren's eyes narrowed as she clicked on a link that was titled "She Loves Control-Camcy Edition".

"Camila grins through her masked facade, holding the leash to her pet's collar." Lauren recited out loud, not bothering to hide the contempt in her tone, "She looked down to meet similar brown eyes, her pet who was previously the punching bag of a certain emerald eyed dominatrix," She choked on that part, "was happily lapping up her c**t, choking when Camila purposely pulled at the leash to drag her closer to her p**sy."

She never managed to finish the first paragraph as her girlfriend slammed the screen of her laptop with a fist, "Too much! Like I said, stop!"

Lauren sniffled through her rage, both from being disturbed and the jealousy that was clear on her emerald eyes. "Hmph."

"Don't you 'Hmph' me!" Thick trimmed eyebrows were narrowed to a point, brown eyes flickering with hidden mirth as they stared at Lauren's face, "Why do you even read those?!"

The older woman pouted to herself, pulling Camila to her lap so she could pout into her shoulder instead, "They're interesting."

"Its interesting?" Her girlfriend clicked her tongue in disbelief, running her fingers through Lauren's hair to somehow comfort her own built shame, "You're interested in smut about me and your ex girlfriend?"

"Nooooooooo~!" She could see Camila rolling her eyes, which was actually adapted from Lauren herself, in her mind, "I'm not a pervert!"

Camila's other hand wrapped itself around Lauren's waist, squeezing whatever fat it could find. "Are you sure you aren't one? Last time I caught you actually reading OUR fanfiction smut."

"You didn't." Ahh the stubbornness, it was sometimes the best weapon. "Dinah did." But sometimes it wasn't needed.

"Sometimes I wonder who's the older one." Camila chuckled, she pulled Lauren closer to her. "Why, honestly this time, were you reading those?"

"Well, I was curious."

Resident Lucy Vives walked into the living room, swinging a bottle of beer in one hand. She chugged the contents down before giving the couple a look of disinterest, "What in God's name, are you up to this time?"

Camila pushed Lauren away, tugging the laptop closer to her instead. "....Lesbian activities?"

The oldest girl in the room grinned, she laid a hand on her hip before chugging another round of her beer. With the froth on her chin, she asked, "Was she looking up stuff about us Mils? I caught her the other day."

Lauren choked on air, she shot a glare of betrayal to her best friend. "I wasn't!"

"She was." Camila replied, she sent Lucy a toothy grin. "Do you think she's hinting at..?"

Both girls received the hint loud and clear, with Lauren immediately crossing her arms in an "X" while Lucy laughed out loud. The slender model pretended to think about the matter rather seriously, her profession helping her in faking the thoughtful expression. "I mean.. my new bed just came in last week and it hasn't been christened yet.."


Camila giggled as her overgrown puppy of a girlfriend started to punch her half-heartedly, a huge pout on her face. "No...!! You're only mine you cheating piece of hot ass!"

Lucy cackled her way back into her own room, making sure to agitate her bestfriend further by doing a peace sign with her fingers, sticking her tongue in between while winking at Camila as though this was their secret sign of doing unspeakable things behind Lauren's back later.

"She's gone Laur, stop throwing our snacks out the hallway, I paid some good money for those."

Lauren sniffled, her emerald eyes shining with crocodile tears. She was 23 for fucks sake, not some sulky 13 year old with her senior (probably cheating) boyfriend. No, she was an adult that had been dating the same woman for 5 years straight.

"You really don't like Lucy like that right?" She asked, face nestling in the crook of Camila's neck, content in being in her arms and under their special blanket that they took everywhere.

Her face positively beamed when she felt the shaking of Camila's head, she already knew that Camila had no interest in Lucy, but all the teasing she received online was enough to plant a tiny seedling of doubt.

"I don't like her, but the way you narrated that story earlier.." Camila spoke seriously, even adapting to that dangerous low tone she used in the bedroom when Lauren had her head banging the mattress with Camila knuckle deep inside her, "I may just go for it."

Lauren whined, a sound that made her Camzi laugh with amusement. She felt feminine muscled arms circle her waist, "I've dated you after I met Lucy back when I was still confused about what top and bottom meant," Camila eased her upwards until their noses were touching and she could almost feel the smile that was on Camila's lips, "Trust me, if I wanted to be with Lucy instead of you, my album wouldn't have green eyes practically doodled on them."

Lauren felt that seedling of doubt drown, alongside with the melting of her heart as she felt Camila's lips pressing against hers.

Maybe their fans would like to see Lucy in her position, being cradled so affectionately by this woman. But maybe, Lauren didn't care.

Camila was hers, only hers and she wouldn't share her with anyone else.

Although that didn't mean she stopped looking up impressive photoshop pictures of her bestfriend and her girlfriend in very... inspiring positions.

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