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[Had to repost this. Nothing really changed but the title emoji :p ]

[Incase you get confused, little review. The triplets, Phoebe, Monica and Rachel are Ally's kids, Ally is full witch while the father was full werewolf. The triplets are hybrids, half witch half werewolf. Phoebe can grow steel into her physical form, Monica can control gravity while Rachel can control her very own force field.]

[This is incase you get confused in the middle of the first section of the chapter in Cassie's and Phoebe's death scene]

[If you have questions on how bizarre their powers are, just ask in the comments. They're not normal by any chance, ObViOuSlY]


Camila groaned into her hands, frustration dangerously building up to a Max. She had been stuck in the stupid bubble Tori had made to review what happened to Cassie and Phoebe. It had gone on for ATLEAST 6 times and she still couldn't get a hint.

It started with utter chaos, she was seeing from Tori's point of view and now she was staring at a wisp of smoke that came tumbling from house to house, evoking quiet noises. It made sense why there wasn't an immediate panic.

Then her view shifted to a blur as Tori was brought into the town square, where one magnificently beautiful but devilish woman covered in black from top to toe was wearing a wicked smirk as she playfully killed off one person to another with a single swipe of her long nailed finger. It was a whip of wind and then the victim's throat was slit open.

There was a scream, "STOP THAT!" and she immediately recognized it as Cassie's, as the little blonde green eyed girl ran to an old woman and her grandson, fiercely and bravely facing off the Vampire.

The Vampire grinned, amused by a little girl's foolish courage, she blurred in the air and reappeared behind Cassie in a manner of two seconds, fangs brightly showing as she held Cassie by the waist with one arm.

She was thrown off aggressively, by two desperate punches from another little blonde girl. Phoebe had tears in her eyes as she embraced Cassie in her arms, both of them trembling with fear. The old grandma had already scurried away with her grandson.

"How stupid are you?!" Phoebe cried out, steel arms still stuck in their element. "What if I lost you?!"

Cassie blinked in fear, light green eyes tearing up. "I-i I'm sorry!"

There was another blur, but phoebe had beaten the Vampire when she stuck herself infront of Cassie in a second of surprise. It didn't matter as the Vampire had paralyze them both, black nails stuck to both their skins, as the lady sank her teeth into Phoebe's neck, the color visibly draining from her face.

Her steel had spread to her entire body, a desperate attempt to at least pause the poison, she spread it to Cassie who was now crying silently, eyes wide and wet with little droplets of tears. "W-why?" She croaked.

Phoebe smiled at her, so softly, so affectionate. "I love you, as my mate."

The Vampire took off her fangs from the girl's neck, pulling back to enjoy the show. She watched as phoebe struggled to move, her steel still trying to cover Cassandra's limbs, to do anything in her power to protect her mate.

"I love you so much. Not in a childish crush way." Phoebe softly spoke now, so quiet that Camila barely heard her, "You're my other half, my sunshine. You never noticed it, never noticed me."

She looked into Cassie's eyes and smiled again, her eyes drooping slowly, but she forced her life force for a bit more into her words.

Just a bit more for time.

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