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Obviously I'm joking again. BAHAHAHAH.

Fun-fact: I have tumblr and my user is Haruki0w0 (haha, stfup). I allow Anonymous asks there so if you have any questions, hmu man. I'm hoping to post the answers here too. I'm bored as hell in a house with no Wi-Fi.

updating the next chapter like 10 hours later or so. Depending on my mood.

"Babe, I picked out your clothes for you."

Lauren's raspy voice called out from their bedroom, Camila could feel chills creeping up on her arm and it definitely wasn't from the cold shower she was taking. She hastily toweled herself, walking back into their room, she stared at the piece of clothing with intense dislike.

"There's no way in hell would I wear this Lauren!" She cried out in protest, a hand stubbornly keeping on the towel to her body.

Her wife smiled at her, and Camila felt her resolve melting. No no no, she wasn't this whipped!

Lauren pouted and matched the attack with her puppy eyes, "Please? I want us both comfy for Mani's and DJ's announcement tonight."

Camila tried to look away, only to find herself slipping on the onesie with a defeated sigh. Tonight, her beta and delta had something very important to announce. Unfortunately her team and the horizon family already left as soon as the pack meeting was over. She did the zipper up as she remembered Phoebe's heavy reluctance to let Cassandra go.

Lauren let out a squeal of excitement, she pushed fuzzy slippers on Camila's feet and the alpha prepared herself for the amount of teasing she was going to be the target of for tonight.

Lauren was wearing simple pair of jammie shorts and a sweater, Camila sulked as she was led down the stairs and into the living room.

"What the hell?"

Dinah's reaction was everyone's reaction at Camila's attire. Lauren smiled proudly as she made the alpha stand by herself and with the towel still wrapped on her head.

She took out her phone and snapped a picture, "Isn't she adorable? She's my pink princess."

Camila covered her face in embarrassment, only moving when Lauren made her sit on the sofa beside a guffawing Dinah. She harshly poked the beta on her side but nothing stopped her best friend from laughing. "I-its just that. YOU'RE ALL PINK!"

Camila rolled her eyes, "No shit."

Normani was eyeing her, giggles probably wanting to erupt. Ally was smiling as usual, her shock already pushed back. Mika and Blake were both silent, the girl doing the same chipmunk expression as Normani. Raven was also there, unusually close with Mika with a hand close to the girl's inner thigh, completely ignoring everyone else. Vero and Lucy were cuddling on a love couch, muttering something to each other, only Vero was snickering while stealing glances at Camila.

Lauren came back from wherever she disappeared to, carrying a wine bottle and some glasses with her. "Okay so, I already know what the announcement is but I think Camila would need a drink or two to be prepared."

Camila's head whipped to stare at Dinah, scorching brown eyes demanding answers. "I refuse your request of building a mall inside this pack."

"Relax, that's not it." Dinah replied with a pout.

Still, Camila's eyes still observed her as she sipped her wine. This was especially made to make werewolves tipsy, any other brew would only be like water for them.

She found herself cuddling Lauren close as they picked out a movie to play on the theater-size TV that Camila bought when her mate arrived. She snuggled and began to place open mouthed kisses on Lauren's neck throughout the movie, the wine clearly taking an effect on her.

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