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the five of them were sitting at the table eating pizzas that daniel had ordered over the phone.

there was an uncomfortable environment and everyone could notice it.

daniel had to try to show that there was nothing between him and cara. and every time it became more difficult because he wanted to ask his friends for advice, he wanted to stop hiding secrets from them.

jonah was trying to keep his gaze from crossing either jack's or zach's. he knew that zach had forgiven him but he still remembered the words he said to jack 'he's dreaming about you fucking him'. if for him it was uncomfortable he didn't even want to consider how it would be for zach.
although jonah didn't know all the story of what had happened between zach and jack.

corbyn had his mind elsewhere, well in a person. cole. he wondered if 'something' had happened between them and he wondered why he didn't mind the idea of ​​it being that way.
also, he had hardly spoken to his bandmates because he didn't dare to tell them anything about what had happened.

jack was eating a slice of pizza without looking away from zach. the birthday party was over and today was monday night. but jack still felt like that sunday's party.  nervous waiting for zach to give him a signal to let jack kiss him again.
he wanted zach to change his mind and he don't want that at the same time. he wanted zach and gabbie. was that good?

and zach hadn't looked up from his plate, he had only eaten a slice of pizza but felt he couldn't eat more.
he was still as hurt as sunday night and it seemed he couldn't forget it. and he couldn't look jack in the eye.

he just couldn't because it hurt like hell.

the problem was that jack was noticing that and it was destroying him.

"i don't want to eat more. see you, guys," said jack suddenly, pushing the dish away from his area and getting up from the table.

"do you want..?"

before jonah could finish his question, jack spoke again interrupting him.

"i'm going to bed," said the curly-haired boy without waiting for an answer from his friends.

he climbed the stairs and locked himself in his room, slamming the door.

jack wanted things to be as they were before. he wanted to go out and have fun with zach without having those thoughts and those complicated love feelings. he wanted to make jokes with his friends without feeling uncomfortable. he wanted to forget about gabbie. he wanted to be the same with his friends, but that was not going to happen, much less if he was near zach.

jack dropped down on the mattress and took off his shoes. he picked up his cell phone and looked at the new messages he had.

the curly-haired boy felt like shit.

jack stared at the screen for a long time until he decided to send her a text. his fingers moved over the keys as if they had a life of their own.

can we talk, gab? i need you.

his ex-girlfriend didn't answer immediately, so jack thought it was likely that she was asleep. although after half an hour looking at the screen and about to put the phone in silence, jack heard a small sound.

a message had arrived.

now i cant rn, val is here with me and this is important.

jack read the message again and again without being able to believe it. val and gabbie. gabbie was going to try something with val and not with him.

jack really needed her to listen to him, to tell him that everything would be fine. and now he was so mad.

jack put his cell phone on the night table, ignoring how much it hurt that gabbie was with her.

he was a little disappointed by how less gabbie cared about him, knowing that he was always there for her if she needed him.

the story repeated again. jack was beginning to be tired of it.

he was tired of waiting for gabbriella gonzalez when she hadn't even thought about going back with him.

jack lay low on his bed and put his hands off his head. jack looked into the emptiness of his room and a small smile appeared on his lips as he remembered last night's kiss.

the kiss with zach.

"oh god, i'm insane," said jack out loud. he was talking to himself. "i shouldn't think of two people that way at the same time. shouldn't it be either one or the other? "

what the hell is wrong with me?

zach's lips were soft and tasted like vodka and cherry gum. his colony was wonderful, he smelled this thing that was making jack lose his mind. jack licked his lips as he remembered, that kiss was deliciously.
and he would lie if he said he didn't want to kiss him again.

fuck, i want to kiss him now!

there was something that didn't stop tormenting him, kissing gabbie was delicate and nice, kissing zach was like a damn whirlwind that devastated him.
he remembered he had to separate from him to not get closer to him and lick his neck like a fucking savage.

i'm a lunatic.
it's wrong to compare them.

but for jack it was impossible not to compare them. he was hurt by gabbie's rejection, but if he thought of zach, he could smile.

word count: 926

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