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jonah entered in the bedroom of the youngest of the band.

zach was lying on the bed reading the art history book. he wanted to start preparing the work that the teacher had ask him and besides, the subject was really interesting.

however, the moment jonah sank into bed, zach took his eyes off the book and put them on his friend.

"so you and jack..." said the older boy with a smile on his lips. "i don't know who was the amazing boy who told jack that you might be interested in him."

zach gave him a scathing sidelong glance. "shut up jonah or i'll rethink about forgiving you or no."

jonah laughed calmly, he knew that zach didn't threaten him seriously. "i'll finally stop swallowing your long talks about how handsome and kind jack is."

zach threw a cushion that jonah managed to catch in the air. "who has said that i can't continue talking about him?"

jonah raised his hands to his head exaggerating his action. "oh god no!"


"hi," muttered jack as his index finger stroked zach's on the study table.

is this some kind of foreplay? because i don't need games, i'm ready for it, the youngest thought.

"hello." zach answered looking at his hands. now he didn't give a shit about mathematics.

"i wanto it to be friday," said the curly haired boy with a shy smile. zach clenched his lips to not smile like a fool. jack's hand turned zach's hand revealing his palm, and with his fingers began to traverse the lines. "have you had any difficulty in answering the problems? i can explain what you don't understand. "

"i don't understand anything, jack, my mind is butter when i see numbers, everything slips."

jack chuckled. "i can continue giving you lessons here but with your notes it is difficult. it seems that they are incomplete or that you only pay attention a quarter of an hour of the class." and what jack said was true, zach disconnected in math classes. "i can take you to my house, there i have all my notes of the high school saved. i usually save it for ava and isla but i can also give it to you. "

jack taking him to his home was a very tempting idea for zach.

"yes, yes, your house." zach said with a smirk on his face.

at that time, jack laughed at his reaction, causing zach to remove his hand, however, jack was faster. he grabbed her firmly, the fun has gone from his face, now it was all serious. "don't move me away, zach."

the young boy nodded without knowing what to say.

"maybe going to my house with my family is a very big step, so we can guide us by now with the book or i can bring my notes another day," said the curly haired boy.

zach wanted to tell him it was okay that there was nothing wrong with talking to his family but he did not dare to open his mouth, he didn't want to spoil anything else.

to claim the situation jack had decided to give the class in a park near their house. it was a public park and there were some tables where they sat one in front of the other. jack took out the book and began to help him with the exercises he had for that week and to explain the unit he would have the following week since he knew that zach wasn't going to pay attention in the online math classes.

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