treinta y tres

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"did he hung me up?" the brunette boy asked aloud. there was no one in the room. he was alone with the phone in his hand, close to his ear.

he pushed his cell phone away and watched as it appeared that corbyn had hung up the call.

daniel snorted. "well, i guess he's not going to have breakfast with me."

"since when do you speak alone?" asked cara leaning against the door frame of daniel's room. that girl was like catwoman, very silent and fast. so much that it made daniel jump out of fright.

the blue-eyed boy turned to see cara smiling at him. his girlfriend was driving him crazy.

"i guess since you snuck into my house."

cara snorted but kept the smile. "that's a lot of time."

"i know, baby." daniel said approaching her, taking cara's face in his hands and approaching to kiss her.

daniel used to give soft kisses, but cara was more aggressive. they were opposite poles that couldn't get away from each other.

the brunette girl bit daniel's lower lip during the kiss making the blue-eyed boy still smile with his lips pressed to cara's.

today was the day. today daniel was going to tell her the truth about what he thought about them.

daniel wanted to make it official.

the blue eyed boy separated from her, making the two of them take a breath, and then he saw the green eyes of cara light up when she saw daniel's.

"let's make it official." the words came out of the brunette boy's mouth quickly and he had not even thought to say it like that but seeing her so beautiful in front of him made him not think clearly.

however, cara took a step back feeling herself attacked.

daniel had told her a few times that he wanted to tell the fans but she didn't want the hate from the limelights or the end of her private life. she also didn't want the relationship between her and daniel to break up just because they were now public.

she liked to leave it as it was.

"no." she said, crossing her arms.

now neither daniel nor she was smiling and the atmosphere was much more tense.

"why not?" daniel asked. he was hurt by the quick response of cara.

"i've already told you a thousand times, dani. i don't want anybody to know about us." she said with such a rude tone that daniel thought that she was ashamed of him.

the brown girl could see it in daniel's blue eyes, she could see how all that illusion vanished.

"i didn't say this to make you feel bad, dani. i just wanted to be honest." she said, trying to get closer to his boyfriend.

but daniel extended his arm to force her to leave space between them. "sometimes honesty hurts." daniel whispered.

"no more than a a girlfriend who lies to you." she answered trying to make daniel smile. but daniel didn't smile, not a little.

𝐖𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒  Δ jacharyWhere stories live. Discover now