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it was tuesday morning and zach was very tired. he rested his head on the table, on the notes of maths and decided that he couldn't do it anymore.

this was too stressful.

zach was so lost in his thoughts that he didn't realize that someone had entered his room and had sat next to him.

that someone had sat next to him and when he saw zach in that position he hadn't been able to stop smiling, he hadn't been able to stop the feeling of nervousness.

jack could see what he had written on the sheets on which zach's was leaning. maths. zach hated maths.

zach looked so relaxed that jack didn't want to get his attention.

but on the other hand yes, he wanted to get his attention. he wanted zach to just look at him.

jack leaned on the table causing zach to get up and look towards jack. his brown eyes widened as he saw his crush sitting next to him.

"hi, handsome." said jack, causing zach to bite his lip.

jack was able to see the blush that was beginning to appear on zach's cheeks before he lowered his head again to hide.

he was pretending to pay attention to the notes in front of him, however, jack could see his nervousness.

"hello." zach muttered without looking towards Jack.

"what are you doing?" asked jack dragging one of the leaves of the table towards him.

it was algebra.

"studying." said zach.

the curly haired boy laughed when he heard him. "studying? why? and for what?"

jack wanted to be close to zach. after yesterday,  gabbie forgetting about him and all night thinking about zach, he couldn't help but wanting zach next to him.

"i-i" zach was stuttering. he didn't want his best friend to laugh at him. "i want to finish high school. at home."

jack did not laugh, he didn't even make a mocking gesture. he looked at him surprised and then smiled. jack was proud, he was so happy.

"why didn't you tell us?" asked Jack, resting a hand on zach's shoulder.

"i didn't want to feel under pressure."

"and how you doing? with all this classes."

"well, i think i'm not going to pass, all this is pure bullshit and you're not helping right now because i need to focus."

jack moved his chair towards zac. he didn't care that he was invading zach personal space, because when he was with zach something warm stretched across his chest. zach made him laugh, he didn't judge him like the others. and jack was never going to judge him.

"why?" jack questioned in a whisper, approaching  his mouth to zach's ear. "do i make you nervous?"

"y-yes, the truth is yes, and i need to do this. I fail my the exam last week, i can't fail more."

𝐖𝐄𝐓 𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐀𝐌𝐒  Δ jacharyWhere stories live. Discover now