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zach got out of the car and ran away from jack to enter the house when jack parked the car in the garage.

the curly-haired boy had no idea what to say in that situations. zach had chosen for him, he had told him that he had to fight for gabbie.

even so, jack still felt bad about that decision. he also had no idea how his friendship will be  after that kiss.

because it was impossible to go back or act as if nothing had happened.

zach closed the door of his room and threw himself to the bed, burying his face in the pillow. he had put on this posture so that the sobs wouldn't sound much.

zach had a broken heart.


the brightness of the light made corbyn wake up and instantly, a strong headache hit him, so he decided not to open his eyes yet.

he was dizzy and very tired.

corbyn felt like if he got out of bed, he would throw up everywhere. everywhere... but where was he? what had happened at the party?

corbyn couldn't remember clearly what had happened at yesterday's party. he didn't even remember saying happy birthday to cara, he was a horrible friend.

he remembered how daniel had taken him to the lake house. how daniel parked the car and as soon as he saw cara  he left corbyn and took her away before corbyn could say anything to her.
that had been a very odd action because corbyn believed that daniel would be angry with her for breaking his heart.

but he seemed even excited to see her.

corbyn entered the house and the loud music reached his ears. he remembered talking to emma and shortly after kissing jonah.

why did emma ask him to kiss jonah? what kind of relationship is that?

then he was left alone. he couldn't find daniel, neither face, nor zach, nor jonah, nor emma. he saw jack next to gabbie and thought about going to talk to them until he realized he was with christina and knew it would be uncomfortable.

would she have told someone? corbyn thought.

but those thoughts didn't hesitate to stop worrying him after taking a series of drinks that left him more than drunk.

corbyn tried to remember something more than that but it was all very blurry and his head hurt too much. he remember dancing, that was all he could remember.

what had i done last night?

corbyn suffered, apparently he had drunk too much. his head would explode at any time. sighing, the blond inhaled the smell of the pillow he had. it was not familiar but it smelled good.

as best he could, corbyn opened his eyes and found a room with white walls. the bed she was in was completely black, the pillows, the blanket that covered his naked body, the...

wait, tell me i'm not naked, corbyn thought.

corbyn lifted the sheets and found that he had underpants that weren't his but nothing more than that.

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