cuarenta y siete

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sunday morning seemed calm. zach was going to have a great day, he was going to meet mark. ryan's friend that was also zach's.

while zach was cleaning the dirty breakfast plates he saw jack coming down the stairs slowly, it seemed he was still a little sleepy. suddenly, he stopped dead, opened his mouth to say something, however, no words come out of his mouth. the corners of jack's lips trembled at the sight of zach. the curly haired raised his hand to greet him, but zach ignored him by turning his head to concentrate on finishing washing the dishes.

zach strongly ignored jack's attempts to make him look at him. zach could feel his insistent look on his side face. the young boy was probably acting crazy, he couldn't understand why he stayed like that, he could only think that everything was still hurting him a lot.

the curly-haired boy's gaze still made his whole body shake, but it wasn't a feeling of terror, not a bad one, quite the opposite, it felt good.

after that zach left home to meet mark in the park that was near the ryan institute. "hello." mark said when he saw zach walking towards him.

zach smiled when he saw him, he was sitting on the bench where they were talking last time with a hat over his head and bright blue eyes.

"are you mute now?" mark spoke again when he saw that zach didn't answer.

zach laughed feeling a little silly, he had forgotten to answer. "sorry, hello."

"i didn't want to bother you, but i wanted to meet you. i just didn't know if you would want to after what happened with jack." zach frowned without understanding why mark knew it. "on the internet they say he's with gabbie now and i guess it's because you two broke up because the last time i saw you you were going to have a date with him."

zach bit his lip sitting next to mark. "yeah, well, i don't want to talk about jack much."

"yes yes, i'm sorry." mark replied quickly. "i feel like i'm taking a risk coming to talk to you... you see, my friends have a band, they play every friday night in a cafeteria, i can take someone without paying the entrance fee and i was wondering if you would like to go. they won't be as good as your band, but it will be fun."

zach went blank. is he really inviting me out?

zach swallowed nervously. he didn't know what to answer. he didn't feel like going out with anyone after jack.

to be honest, he didn't want to date anyone other than jack.

mark put a hand to the back of his neck realizing the silence of zach. the blue eyed boy was nervous. "sorry, i knew this is crazy. sorry to bother you."

zach's cheeks ignited without knowing yet what to answer. "can i take a friend with me?" zach asked making a small smile appear on mark's face.

"yeah right. a lot of people are coming." mark said with a happier tone.

"great, then see you friday, mark."

"wait, wait," mark said, grabbing zach by the hand before he could get up from the bank. "i haven't stayed with you just to ask you that, do you want to go out for a drink?"

zach blushed again feeling somewhat stupid. "yeah sure.".


mark smiled one last time, bent down and laid a kiss on zach's cheek when he left him in front of his house. then mark walked relaxed, leaving him surprised and ..

what the hell just happened? wondered the young boy.

zach turned to go home and saw emma and jonah peeking out the window.

"what are you doing?" zach asked entering the house and seeing how the two had sat on the couch trying to ignore that zach had already caught them.

"read." emma said quickly pointing to a magazine she had on her legs.

"mhm." jonah nodded even though he had neither a magazine nor a book near him.

"i've seen you." zach said rolling his eyes.

"jack did too." emma said bursting out loud, to which jonah joined him.


" jack has seen you too." the tall boy replied.

"surely he saw nothing." zach said aloud but tried to convince himself not to them.

"this is going to be super fun." emma said getting up from the couch and leaving the magazine lying on the floor. "this is going to get do good, i'll take care of that."

zach grabbed her shoulders and shook her head. "no, don't even dream it, emma. i am not going to use an innocent boy for whatever your machiavellian mind is thinking. mark is my friend. and since he is my friend, i will accompany him to a concert his friends give this friday. "

"do you already have a date with him?" jonah asked surprised.

"it's not a date," said zach biting his lower lip..

"it's a date!" emma shouted and zach hit her in the ribs so she wouldn't do that again.

he didn't want jack to hear it.

"it's not a date because you come with me." zach said pointing to emma.

jonah pouted. "why have you invited her and not me?"

"you can come too."

"great, it's a double date." emma said smiling.

"you are incredible." zach said sarcastically.

"i know." she smiled as zach looked at her with a frown. "relax and have an freaking date with someone other than jack avery for god's shake, you may discover that there are more interesting guys besides him. you don't have a boyfriend, you don't have anything with jack, you're not going to do anything wrong, so breathe."

zach stopped frowning without knowing how he felt at emma's words.i was still not very convinced, for some reason he felt that emma was going to do something that he wasn't going to like and he definitely don't want to date mark.

he didn't want to lose his friendship too.

word count: 1021

you'll forgot about mark, don't you?

you'll forgot about mark, don't you?

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