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Or the 'Stealing fetish' one.
(3720 words)

A/N : I do not advocate stealing of any kind and distracted driving for that matter and definitely put arson of any nature too. I also don't own Steven Universe.

There's nothing like a long and boring car ride to ease one's many nerves, Peridot thought about what a huge lie that's become leaving her an anxious wreck. Fidgeting with every car function she could reach, playing with the window buttons seemed to calm her down the most.

Peridot sat along side Lapis who has driven upstate for about two hours now. Her patience however is getting tested by her concubine's obnoxious habits. An overhead sign displays their awaited destination five miles ahead.

Peridot becoming flustered before breaking the law is more than normal for Lapis and at times made her nervous, but it keeps her on her beautiful toes.

"Stop being such a jellyfish," Lapis teased keeping her eyes on the road, "We've robbed many stores statewide with better security than this place!"

A moment for Peridot to reflect on a job they performed a few months ago, walking away with twenty five thousand dollar earring without paying a dime for it. With Lapis' help of course, proving Lapis will always have her back.

"That's why I have you." Peridot faces her, "You're always strong enough for the both of us."

"I thank you for that. Only because when you freeze up before hand it grants me that vile sense of confidence you see upon me. If that makes since?" Lapis blushed, Peridot pushes a bundle of hair out of her vision and tucks neatly behind the ear.

"Strangely, it does. I don't know why I freak out even when the deed itself comes with minor consequences. I guess my inner conscious is telling me to leave the dark side before it's too late," Peridot admitted.

"Thieves don't have to worry, good ones at least."

A lot of infamous thieves had hangups worst than mine," Peridot on the defensive.

"Oh here we go again," Lapis scoffs.

"Remember me recalling the infamous  history of The Forty Elephants gang? Women banning together by shitting on commercialism in Great Britain by shoplifting wares for centuries. You don't think they were scared? When they were living in times where women were being put down in ways we can't imagine today?"

"You're not getting soft on me, are you?" Lapis pestered keeping her eyes on the road. That made Peridot pause her button fidgeting to furl her brow.

"The second I go soft, is the second we get caught honey." Peridot assured in her.

"Well I hate to break it to ya, that's the absolute worst time to get soft" Lapis joked.

Terror rings through Peridot's mind, they have been doing this for such a long time that it became second nature for her. Knowing that alone is what scares her the most. Lapis is not oblivious to this, sensing a mood shift.

"Don't be like that hun, you just need a little pick me up."

"I'm sorry Lapis, I don't think drugs are the best use for our collective time."

"Don't you worry your pretty little head, Peridot. This pill is over the counter..."

The driver eases her speed to a regulated 50mph with two car gaps between her lead car ahead. In the time she took to change lanes, Peridot started to get Lapis' interpretation of medicine, her heart sped as she grips her bottom safety belt yanking it upwards to lay it's slack out to her thighs for easier access.

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