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"Ugh. . . I am not in the mood to see Star Wars." Lapis shares. Unmoved to her hot date request made by her girlfriend, Peridot, pissing her off in translation.

"Give me one good reason, why not?" Peridot defends.

"Give me a good reason, why does it have to be Star Wars?"

"Easy! Because it's fucking Star Wars, Lapis!"

"Is it tho, Peridot?" Lapis flipped her phone to the other ear, beginning to pace in circles in her apartment, "Because lately the more I see these new additions I notice they tend to cling to fame from the past and forgetting, you know, actually making a good movie."

Peridot grew unamused at Lapis' 'reasonable' objections and yet still willing to drag this out to not end up seeing the movie alone in shame.

"You don't get it babe. It's on a high definition screen, with sound that rumbles through the seats. I've always wanted to experience a lightsaber battle in the appropriate setting," Peridot is a little peeved that her pleas are not enough to make Lapis change her mind, "Lapis I already bought the tickets and we haven't seen each other in a week. I want to go out tonight."

Lapis doesn't respond right away, as she was uncomfortable in the box Peridot put her in. Don't get her wrong, nothing would make her happier than to spend a night out with her beloved girlfriend whenever she could. But plopping down to see a joyless cash grab didn't exactly turn her on to the idea.

Peridot realized it would take a lot out for Lapis to say yes, she went on, "I accompanied you to all of those snooze worthy indie films you dragged me to."

Lapis was starting to get offended, "Woah! Now that's not fair. I always ask you at the end of the movie if you enjoyed it and every time it's always been a resounding yes."

"I care enough about your interests, because I'm a good girlfriend. So stop being so dense, swallow your film aficionado pride and see a dumb movie with me."

"AHA, so you admit it's dumb!"

"That's not the point and you know it," Peridot growls.

Lapis began to brood with her hand over her eyes in annoyance, "Peridot what do you say we trade those tickets for something worth watching?"

"Nope. My mind has been made."

"Well that really sucks." Lapis states in deadpan.

"Honestly you can be no fun at times," Peridot reaffirmed her tone to a stern one, hoping it'll stick the landing, "I'm not going alone."

Peridot was again met with her girlfriend's unresponsive dead air over the phone, after pulling most stops with tantrumatic whines, ploys for empathy and even questioning why she even bothers. Sure enough, a master negotiator always saves her ace in the hole, if ever desperate.

"What if I return the favor?" Peridot proposes.

Like a switch, Lapis' apathetic nature changed into intrigue.

"Hm. I'm listening."

"Let's say after the show we head back to your place and -"

"Stir up my macaroni?" Lapis interrupted while snickering at her own euphemism.

"Only if  you behave tonight." Peridot said cheerfully, knowing that it worked.

"Only if you're wearing something low cut that'll rile me up first," Lapis demanded.

"That pretty much goes without saying, it's date night I'm not a neanderthal."

Lapis giggled into the phone and put on a sarcastic voice to make it sound like expressing high interest, "Yay! Guess who's excited for Star Wars now! Pew-Pew."

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