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Or the one where Peridot seeks shelter in a friend's bed.

1.[english] {Verb} Loving thunder and lightning and finding them intensely beautiful.

Lapis POV
Agreeing to live with Peridot did come with a plethora of complications. Starting out as good friends turned brand new roommates, we had a chance to get to know ones secrets, aspirations and fears. I experienced Peridot's fear of thunder and lightning on day one of moving day. Poor thing couldn't hold on to a box with out nature exploding in the distance. After finishing hauling boxes alone, I went to find her seeking shelter in a large empty fridge box ducking for cover and I was curious about where the frustration is coming from.

"Peridot, what are you doing in my box," I ask.

"Close the flaps please," Peridot shouts over the loud music blasting in her headphones.

I poked my head inside to console her, "You know you don't have to hide in there, we are completely safe from the elements."

"That's what you think, Lazuli." Peridot reaches up and closed each flap in my face.

She's being very defensive, more than usual amount, I've never seen her so shaken up like this. It feels troubling to me, as if my help was needed.

In mid-thought a flash of light came and went, followed by a loud crackling boom shortly after. Peridot's head hits the flaps from jumping to hard, this is getting ridiculous.

"OH FUCKING STARS I CAN STILL HEAR IT," the box practically shook in place. Signifying my time to finally step in. I take off my shoes, and unfolded the flaps.

"Scoot over some Peridot, I'm coming in hot," I crouched down into the box and sat on the opposite side. Even when I joined her, the fear within her was still mostly present.

"Well, I'm waiting," Peridot said looking the other way.

"For what?" I ask sounding confused.

"For you to commence belittling me for my fear of thunderstorms," she pouts with her head resting on her knees.

"I didn't climb in this box to poke fun at you," I told her, "Do you mind joining me up here, I need to stretch my legs."

Peridot obeys by flipping over, I made as much room as I could without toppling the whole rectangular cube over. She plops down on her back next to me, Initiating the first move with a coiling my arm around her back waist to hold her and make her feel safe. She accepts my gesture by burrowing her face in my ribs with her head resting on my shoulder.

That's the moment when I heard the music's volume decrease, "Why are you doing this?" Peridot asked with flushed cheeks.

"I'm helping, let me help you get through this," I said attaining a nurturing spirit, "Sorry I'm a bit sweaty, I was moving boxes,"

"I don't mind at — eeek!" Peridot squeaked, reacting dramatically to yet another devastating crash of lightning.

"You're fine Peridot, I'll stay right here until the storm is over. And when it passes you'll come to find out thunderstorms aren't such a bad thing, but can be appreciated with a positive mindset."

"Easy for you to say! You have ceraunophilla for Pete's sake!" Peridot said up-close.

Now it was my turn for my face to flush, I almost forgot I told her that in confidence I consider thunder and lightning to be extremely erotic for me. It was a year and a half ago at Amethyst's private after party during a game of truth and dare. The glass bottle landed on me and I picked truth, which forced me to reveal a personal kink to a new friend. I seemed to forgot because the only noteworthy event was the cops being called on us for a lousy noise complaint, but it was all coming back to me.

"oh you actually remembered that," I scratched.

"Kinda hard to forget when you make small moans over my bone chilling episodes every time lightning strikes the earth."

Oh Christ, she was hearing those. So much for subtly, Lazuli.

"Just try to contain yourself, you know while I'm still being held," Peridot winked feeling my embarrassment.

Time passes slow cuddling your closest friend inside a large box in your new living room. Peridot's a real snore monster, I'm just glad I finally got her to calm down, I feel like I made her too calm the way she's dribbling all over my shirt. I used my foot and reached one of the flaps obscuring my sight of the bay window displaying the mesmerizing beauty of a dying thunderstorm. I sat back to revel each strike flare with a wide smile. Feeling at peace with her warm gently breathing body I hug her tighter, in her sleep she readjusts her face to lean on the side of my boob.

I've always loved storms, at a young age I've come to enjoy watching them. I remember when I used to get sad when it would rain without thunder. Then the awkward teen stages of my life followed by hormonal distress seeps in and I noticed my body reacting differently during storms.

Never fear, I've never felt threatened by storms only a deep sense of fascination and wonder.  It starts with a tingle, traveling down my spine, then goosebumps breakout all over my body when enticing flashes lights up the night sky. The thunder followed after, makes me jump in a good way. The hair on the back of neck stands straight then my stomach gets tight. All the while, becoming more horny and hotter by each strike.

I shifted my legs as easy as I could to not wake up Peridot and come to find out my underwear is clung tight to my opening. I was dying to touch myself, right here with Peridot in my arms, but I remember her telling me to contain myself, so I behaved myself.

For awhile.

With one hand I carefully unsnap my fly to pull my painter shorts halfway down my thighs. I look back in relief seeing Peridot still and sound asleep. The un-respectful distance made me hotter just from the sheer thrill of her waking up and catching me, it drove me insane.

The roar of more thunder incentivized me to take my underwear completely off. I completely lost all focus on Peridot snoring rather deep into my boob to conjure major finger energy pressed onto my clitoris.

The illuminations of the night sky made me wetter by the flash creating a certain vaginal musk inside a half enclosed box with a spot of damp cardboard pooling underneath my ass.

Strong self stimulations heightens to the point of stringed small moans crescendoing. I had to bite my lip, but they peered out of me like a sponge, so I used my free hand to cover my mouth just to keep quiet for a well deserved orgasm. With all the factors and fantasies involved I embraced my perverted intentions with every rub, pinch and finger tease.

Ensuring victory so vile, so animal, so electric.

I couldn't possibly slow down or even dare stop my speeding fingers from frantically rubbing my slit bearing the edge.

As if nature herself knew I'm ready, already in sync with rampant booming to the pulse of my swollen aching nub and winking opening, I bit down on the inside of my palm to contain my pleased sighs.

I stroked up and down with furious intensity and watched my slit spray and spasm in front of me as I gently shook after waves of orgasms washes over and consumed all of my better judgement.

It took me five minutes to make myself decent, weak from post orgasmic bliss. I shook Peridot to get up from the box now that the storm was conveniently over, she didn't budge out only groaned for more moments of slumber. I had to pick her up and place her on the couch because her mattress was still in the truck at the time. Peridot looked so peaceful sleeping night away, so much I fell asleep next to her after reflecting. If only she knew. If only.

(End of Part I)

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