HOUSEMATES (part 10)

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Lapis led me into my room, and went through my clothes, selecting a t-shirt, a little denim skirt, ankle socks and sneakers for me. I watched, a bit surprised; I suppose I'd been expecting something more like the robe and heels outfit.

I got dressed, looking in the mirror. My hand went to my neck, touching the collar, inhaling softly. The sight of it there brought home to me events of this morning all over again.

Mistress smiled at my reaction. She took me by the shoulders and turned me around. "OK, now we have to get moving. There is a bundle of flattened boxes in the garage. Go get them and bring them here."

I went out to the garage, puzzled, and found the bundle. I picked it up and brought it back in. Mistress was waiting, tape gun and scissors in hand.

I set the bundle down and Mistress cut the bundle open, and we started making boxes. When we'd put about twelve of them together, she stopped me.

"OK, that should be enough."

She moved around the room, opening drawers and closets.

"Every item of clothing you own, slut. Into these boxes."

I gasped and looked at her. She reached over and tugged my collar; I gasped louder.

"Question, slut?"

I stammered, feeling her tight grip on the collar. "Unhhhhhhh . . . all my clothes, Mistress?"

She nodded. "Yes, love. Every single thing. I will provide anything and everything you need to wear from now on."

She let go, and I went about the process of putting all my clothes into the boxes. I almost cried a couple of times as I picked up favorite items and put them in. Mistress helped, laughing as she emptied the contents of my panty drawer into a box.

I was trembling a bit as we finished, seeing every stitch of clothing I owned boxed up. Mistress taped the boxes closed and had me follow her as we carried them outside and put them on the porch. Lapis took a neatly labeled sign that read "GOODWILL" and taped it to the stacked boxes. We went back inside and returned to my room.

"All right. Now, strip the bed, and put all the bedclothes and pillows into boxes."

I nodded and just went about doing it, a little numb. I didn't understand, but didn't feel like asking. It was better to just do, at this point. And I soon felt the process of getting an order and carrying it out bringing about that strange calm in me again.

Lapis had me get all my spare sheets and pillowcases, blankets, and the like and put those in boxes too. She sealed the boxes up and we added them to the Goodwill pile.

Lapis smiled. "Almost done."

We went back into my room and disassembled the bed. That, and all the furniture from my room we moved out into the driveway in front of the garage (with some effort), arranging it neatly. Mistress applied another GOODWILL sign to it.

She looked at her watch as we went back inside. She handed me a small overnight bag and had me put my toothbrush, makeup, and so forth in it.

"OK, you're all packed!" She giggled a bit.

"Let's go. My bag is packed and in the car already."

We went to her car and got in. Lapis pulled away from the house. My mind was buzzing with a thousand questions; thankfully she started talking before I had a chance to wonder if I should start asking them.

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