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Or the one where Peridot drowns ono (wrote this in a day)

Lapis kept a pace when flipping channels, as the distorted images of different programs share graphics of flood warnings in the area. A storm sweeping its way from the coast to devastate a small beach town and surrounding areas. Lapis bundles her tank top over the queasiness after just learning the graduation to a category three turned four.

Loud banging congests the house, Peridot is bracing the windows with 2x4 using hammer and nails. She hasn't stopped since this morning, leaving their house lacking natural sunlight becoming a this dark den of major uncertainty. Peridot felt she was ready to take on anything faces after careful planning before the arrival. Stockpiling basic essentials that lasts for weeks on end, including a raft.

With the final nail in place and a hammer drop, Peridot finds levity in protecting her space hoping it would be enough to take on Mother Nature's divinest of all blessings.

"OH FUCK ME DUDE! PERIDOT GET IN HERE!" Lapis alerts from the other room.

Peridot runs from dinning space, in the den Lapis is curled up on in a toppling ball rocking herself to calm down.

"What is it?" Peridot says with slight concern.

"It jumped from three to four, am I clear?" Lapis springs up and lords closer, "Three to four, where I come from that's called a problem, hmm so what does my brilliant girlfriend does?" Lapis stairs back expecting an answer.

Peridot shifts as she is taken back from Lapis' scene, "I told you we'd be fine Lapis! I've been through storms worst then this, without ever having leaving in this first place and besides the roads for evacuation is 'butts to gutts' we wouldn't make it time anyway," Peridot sits on the couch.

"This is scary, we really shouldn't be here. I mean we're in a severe flood area for crying out loud, are we really going to take are chances with this one because it's looking like an unsafe bet every minute I spend in this place," Lapis allows a tear to fall, Peridot reached out to grab her hand consoling her.

"May it looks bleak, this our home. A lot of blood, sweat," Peridot pauses to wipe Lapis' cheek, "and yes, tears got us where we are today. I'm not abandoning the place we share our love for anything in the world. Like I've told you before seen more hurricanes than you have so I need you to trust me."

"Peridot, if we make it..." Lapis says in a breakdown.

"Shhh..." Peridot hushed pressing on her lips,

"We will make it, I am certain of it. As long as we have each other we can take on any evils."

Peridot leans in to kiss, Lapis crosses her eyes and parts her lips.

The power flickers then cuts completely turning the house dark as spades. Then the power returns as the sudden interruption startled the girls and were greeted to lights, tv functions and various appliances beeping signaling use.

Then the power cuts again only this time there's no telling when it will come back.

A few hours later...

Wind speed became vocal through the plywood boarded windows signaling the storms coming close. After learning the entire neighborhood is either evacuated or without home power Peridot broke out three emergency candles.

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