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Or the one where Lapis needs special math help!

"Math improvement solutions," she answered lying in her bed in the middle of a Steven King book, "Peridot speaking."

"Hello Peridot, I'm Lapis Lazuli," the young tutor picks up the mature collected voice of Lapis, not used to having someone age group ask her for math help. "I found your advertisement in the library and I'm in desperate need for a study sesh this upcoming Friday at 3 PM."

"Well I don't see why not, are you currently in college?"

"Yes as matter of fact, I am," Lapis answered.

"What are we dealing with here, I usually tutor high school math but I'm more adept in preCal or trigonometry--"

"Yes, yes oh my stars, PreCal, yes I definitely need help on that particular subject," Lapis finishes, "And I am to understand that you work alone, correct?"

"Absolutely, I could tutor you at the public library, if you don't want to precede teachings in your home--,"

"Definitely want you to be at my place, I can't stand that ratty library so I want to invite you out to my place, come to 7152 Olive Cove, I'll be expecting you there Friday," Lapis advises.

"Sounds good. Now about my rates--" Peridot pauses to the bleak sound of a dial tone, "Or we could discuss it Friday, I guess,"

Peridot tosses her phone aside to pull out a calendar, it isn't everyday she gets the chance to tutor math on a college level. Fortunately for her she finds Friday completely open, not a lot of students like studying on the weekends apparently. She scribbles the address Lapis gave her in the 3pm slot. After her scheduling, she pulls out an old textbook labeled CALCULUS 101 and began to refresh her mind in a world filled with complex formulas.


Peridot, a twenty-something part time math tutor, arrives at Lazuli's residence fitted in somewhat dorky attire; neon plead skirt with knee high white socks and a tight black collared top.

She parks her hybrid car on the street near a mailbox and adjusted her glasses to make out the correct address before stepping out of her vehicle. Peridot hugged the hard cover edition of a college prep calculus book, coming off a tad nervous.

The young tutor has helped countless high school students with mat for years, but this is different.  A college girl asked for assistance. That's never happened before. Also, this is her first house call, her previous sessions were held mostly at the public library. So it would make sense to be nervous, but as an avid user of Adderall her brain function will over enhance her cognitive skills and power through her feelings. There is no challenge behind these walls that Peridot couldn't face, it's only calculus, chill. With that boost of confidence Peridot scampers up the driveway to path leading to the front door.

Lapis Lazuli smiled with sinister undertones in the middle of her cup of tea where a doorbell chime at 3pm made her perk up and think, finally, showtime. No one else was there to hear the call but her, she lives alone for her own reasons. The bluenette stands at a even six feet parading around with legs that seem to last forever. Yet sizable and apparent aroused breasts peaks through the crimson fabric of a high-end silk robe with gilded annotations of the brand Channel sprinkled all throughout. Lapis worked up quite a sweat drinking her tea, you could see it in the the youthful healthy afterglow radiating in natural sunlight.

Indeed she is hot, in heat gifted with the iciest stare that developed into a certain carnal attraction that could make a sex therapist blush.

Not you're ideal standards of clothing when expecting professional company.

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