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FFFM, BONDAGE, DENIAL. Thanks for reading you filthy sinners, you.

We got home and I brought the groceries and liquor in from the car. I got everything put away while Lapis sat on the couch and worked on the menu for tonight. I came out into the living room.

Lapis looked up at me. "Go upstairs and lay down in my bed for a while, Peri. I want you to rest up for tonight. I'll wake you up in time."

I hugged her gently. "Thank you, Mistress," I said, and went upstairs. I went into her bedroom and peeled my clothes off, and slipped off the shoes, stretching out on her comfy bed, flexing my toes with relief. I was more tired than I'd realized. I turned to the side and pulled the covers up over me and felt myself drifting down into sleep.

I was awakened by Lapis's voice. I lifted myself up in bed a little groggily, and realized that Lapis's voice was coming through an intercom speaker in the wall.

"Come downstairs, Pet. It's time to start getting ready. Put your shoes back on and nothing else."

I shook out the cobwebs and swung over to sit on the edge of the bed. I slid my feet into the heels and stood, blinking, still trying to get focused. I had really fallen into a deep sleep.

I made my way downstairs. Lapis handed me a red chef's apron. I slipped it on and tied it. I blushed, feeling the air moving over my naked ass. It was such an odd sensation, being partially covered. The apron, while short, covered me in front, top and bottom, but the fact that it was open in the back and clear that I was wearing nothing besides the apron made me feel somehow more naked than naked.

Lapis smiled, obviously sensing my reaction and thought process. "You look wonderful-..."

She paused and giggled. ". . . Wonderfully efficient." I laughed out loud, mostly in surprise - "efficient" wasn't the word I'd been expecting to hear.

Lapis reached down and squeezed my butt, affectionately but possessively. "Mmmm ok . . . let's get dinner going. Our guests arrive in a little over an hour."

I looked at the clock. 4:50. I'd been asleep for quite a while.

She handed me the piece of paper on which she'd written the menu. I looked it over:





Ice cream sundaes"

I glanced at her a moment. I suppose I'd been expecting something a bit more involved. I was relieved but curious.

Again she seemed to read my mind. "I'm a woman of simple tastes, Peri. Feel free to spruce up the rice and asparagus a bit, but don't go crazy. I don't like food that's 'overwrought'."

I nodded. "Yes, Mistress. I understand."

I went about starting to get things ready. I wasn't sure I understood at all, but I figured my best recourse was to trust my instincts. If things weren't right I knew Lapis would take the time later to explain and correct. I smiled to myself, realizing that. It gave me a sense of quiet security that was impossible to put words to but very warming and powerful.

"OK, time for me to shower and change. They arrive at 6. Be ready to put out the antipasto at 6:20."

Lapis left the kitchen and I planned things out in my mind, a couple of ideas coming to me. I checked the time again and got moving.

I'd grill the steaks and the asparagus. A little olive oil and lemon for the asparagus was all they'd need. The rice . . . well, rice is like a blank canvas. I restrained myself and settled on a fairly simple preparation - sauté the raw rice with some onions, in olive oil, cook it in chicken stock, and then stir in some shaved Parmigiana at the end. Sort of a lazy woman's American risotto.

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