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I woke up, feeling very well-rested. I rolled over and looked at the clock; a little before 8. Dimly I started to recall that it was Monday, the last day of the long weekend. Normally that thought would consume me with a vague sort of depression at having to go back to work after three days off. Today it was a non-factor. As my wakefulness increased, so did my sense of excitement and nervousness. What had I actually agreed to yesterday morning? What would this day hold?

I got up and threw on a robe, intending to go into Lapis's room and see how I should be dressed, what she wanted for breakfast, etc. I was surprised to see her sitting at the dining room table, dressed, seemingly ready to go, eating Chick-fil-a breakfast and drinking coffee from a Styrofoam cup. She smiled at me brightly.

"Come on, your breakfast burrito will get cold." I sort of stumbled over to the table and sat down, stunned. I unwrapped the foil off of the top half  and fixed my coffee. She continued.

"We have a busy morning, then a long drive. I didn't want to waste time with cooking and cleaning up. So let's enjoy this, quickly, so we can get going. You like Chick-fil-a, I hope?"

I nodded as I munched. I loved Chick-fil-a breakfast. And while I wanted to enjoy the treat of not having to cook and clean up, I couldn't really focus on that, as my nervousness and excitement were piqued by her references to "busy morning" and "long drive."

We finished up and I threw away the trash and quickly cleaned the table. Lapis watched me in silence. When I was done, she reached out and grabbed my wrist lightly. Her eyes looked up at me, with that same sparkling shine I'd seen before.

"Go and shower, Peri. Don't linger, but don't rush, either. Return to me naked."

"Yes, Miss," I said, and scurried to my room, realizing my heart was thumping as I moved. I got naked and started the water running.

I've never felt so strange in the shower. I was trying to heed her admonition to not linger, but not to rush, either, but it seemed and felt like I was doing one, then doing the other. Finally I settled into simply telling myself to get clean, and enjoy the act of getting clean. That seemed to make the pace right.

I walked back out into the living room, naked, still unable to not blush a little bit. Lapis took my hand and led me to her bedroom. She let go of my hand.

"Lay down on your back, Peri."

I complied and Lapis had me arch up, and put a pillow under me. Then she moved around the bed and spread my arms and legs out and bound me spread-eagle to the bed. As before, the bondage was not uncomfortably tight but at the same time totally secure and inescapable. I tugged and wiggled, unconsciously. Lapis smiled, watching me, then sat down next to me on the bed. I looked up at her, heart still racing, trying to breathe normally and focus. The feeling of helplessness was secondary to a strange feeling of security, and that realization made me even more on edge.

Lapis leaned over and ran a hand through my hair, her eyes looking deeply into mine. Her voice was so soft, but so powerful, that goosebumps erupted all over my bound body.

"Today, now, is the beginning. The true beginning. You are mine now. Shortly, we will formalize that in a tangible way."

She got up from the bed. "First, I need to prepare you, though. It won't take long." She turned and left the room.

I watched her go, tugging more, suddenly short of breath. The feeling of helplessness and vulnerability took over everything else for a moment. "Prepare me?" What exactly had I gotten myself into?

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