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Junia sat on the bed next to Annalee's, her head bent over a book on the history of the Free Isles. She secretly disliked Northstone Castle—she found it eerie and cold—but she kept her opinions to herself, too afraid to voice them. The Northerners made her feel self-conscious and small, and she often found herself stumbling to move out of their way, especially her uncle. King Lucian was over six foot, blonde, and broad, and rarely noticed her existence. It suited her well; she would probably faint if he ever started a conversation with her. Even Audrey was a little intimidating, but Junia admired her cousin. She had a humble cleverness which Junia liked and aspired to emanate herself. Annalee, on the other hand, was fearless, and had already broken three windows by accident, much to Lucian's disapproval.

"I've heard that Lucian has beheaded four traitors in court for conspiring against him this month," Annalee said from where she was sharpening a stone against another stone. "Bit rude."

Annalee never seemed to understand that Junia didn't want to talk when reading, but Junia contained her irritation. "People say Lucian likes to keep the North clear of such criminals. Besides, our father isn't faultless either."

Annalee looked at Junia, her blue eyes scanning her. Annalee and Junia were identical twins, but it was never hard to tell them apart as Annalee was taller and always dressed less extravagantly. While Junia wore a silk shift, Annalee wore muddy boots and green breeches. Where Annalee acquired such things, Junia didn't know, as Emelyn repeatedly burnt any garments she stole.

"I wish Lachlan and Lucian would get along, though," Annalee said. "They don't argue directly, but you can see it in their faces. Did you hear them at dinner? Insult after insult!"

"You shouldn't wish for something you know is implausible. It will just lead to disappointment," Junia replied sagely. She had read the quote in a book, and thought it made her sound wiser.

Annalee laughed. "You and your morals. It's amusing."

Junia shut her book, hiding the fact that Annalee's words insulted her. "What?"

"You need to be more light-hearted," Annalee grinned. "You're too serious and erudite or whatever."

Junia opened her mouth to reply, only to find she had nothing to say.

"Maybe we should sneak out tonight," Annalee suggested. "It would teach you to get away from those non-fiction books and enjoy your childhood more."

Junia secretly prided herself on her maturity and knowledge. "We could get into lots of trouble," she pointed out, moving the thick history book off her lap and pushing it under her pillow. "And father, the guards..."

"Exactly," Annalee smirked. "Fun!"

Junia considered it for a moment. It didn't sound fun to her, which made her reply surprising. "Where would we go?"

"I don't know. Out of the castle, maybe explore the woods."

"The woods?" Junia asked, her eyes widening. "This castle is on a cliff, Annalee! The woods will be small. There's no point." She sometimes doubted her sister was sane. "You think we can sneak past the watchtower, the battlements, and the gatehouse unnoticed? Then get across the moat?"

"I think you can hear," Annalee nodded, looking at the sky. "The sun is going to set in about an hour, so we should go soon. There are some trees around the castle, and we can use that as a cover. I've heard about some secret passageways leading out; I got some drunk groom to tell me about them."

"B-but even if we did, there are wolves and..."

"Wolves don't like humans. Plus, you can climb trees, right?"

"The highwaymen!" Junia exclaimed.

"Just some imbeciles trying to terrorise people for money. Plus, they're mostly on the Main Road." She raised her eyebrows. "Anyway, how many wolves have you seen living on a cliff? Gods, Junia, I thought you were the smart one."

"It is night, Annalee. We're going to slip down the cliff and fall to our death!"

"Oh, come on, Juni. We won't slip down the bloody cliff."

Junia almost chided Annalee for cursing but stopped herself.

"Can we go somewhere... not dangerous? Now, when it's not dark?" Junia asked. She didn't want to go, but she also didn't want to be left behind like she always was when Annalee ran off to explore the castle or the surrounding grounds while Junia remained hidden under the covers of her bed with a book.

"Fine," Annalee said. "We're more likely to be caught, but let's go."

"So, how do we get out? Lucian likes to have many guards around," Junia said, trying to talk away her fear. "So, tactically, if we were to..."

Annalee opened the window in response, cutting Junia off.

"Hey, no! No, no, no! We are not jumping out," Junia said, already knowing what Annalee was hinting. "No way."

Annalee shrugged. "Why not?"

She jumped out, launching herself out by pushing her arms onto the window ledge and vaulting over.

Junia shrieked, shutting her eyes, and took a few deep breaths before she opened her eyes and walked to the window, terrified of what she would see. Annalee had grabbed onto a branch as she fell and was pulling herself up.

"No. No way," Junia stuttered, backing away from the windowsill. "You're mad!"

"Aw, c'mon," Annalee complained, finally climbing onto the branch. "I'll catch you."

Junia bit her lip as she pushed herself onto the windowsill. The ground was... so... far... away...

Don't look down, she told herself. Don't look down.

She shifted her gaze to Annalee, who was sitting at the edge of the branch, grinning up at her. Junia stood up, her legs shaking slightly.

"My weight would drag us both down!" she protested, remembering a book on physics she had read. "With the acceleration of my fall..."

"Jump, you coward!" Annalee called back. "It's literally impossible to miss!"

Junia looked down.

Then she cried out as she slipped and fell out of the window.




She felt slippery hands grabbing at her as she landed on the branch, Annalee grabbing her arm and righting her before she could roll off. Junia was shaking, her heart pumping with exhilaration. Her brain could only process two words: I'm alive.

"You're alright," Annalee grinned.

Junia clutched Annalee tightly in response.

"Hey! You two!" a voice yelled, and they looked up to see a guard on the battlements, his crossbow pointed at them. A crossbow bolt shot past them, embedding in a branch nearby, causing Junia to shriek. "Get off the castle grounds!"

"He doesn't recognise us," Annalee muttered. "We're too far away. He probably thinks we are spies or something."

"Let's tell him who we are," Junia said, panicking, unlike her sister, who was carefully assessing the situation. "He will believe us. He has to, right? We... we could just say we... uh, fell out...?"

"Are you kidding? Father would kill us! You know how he rages, especially when he's drunk, as he will be at this late hour. We can go, hide, and come back claiming to have gone for a walk. We'll come up with something, don't worry!" Annalee laughed with glee before climbing down the tree and running as the guard hurried off the battlements to pursue them.

Junia had no choice but to follow.

Thank you to anyone reading this ! As always, please point out any errors and make sure to vote and comment ;))

Sending love,
Shelly M xx

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