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Audrey jumped off her shared horse to gaze up at Teravardi, trying to ignore her shaking hands. She hadn't been to Teravardi in years. Would Ulysses be there? Would he send her straight back to Landon in chains? Her doubts flew forward, one by one. Noticing Will watching her, she tried to wipe the emotions from her face. She did not want him to see how broken and untrusting she truly was. Despite her best efforts, he still seemed to see right through her, and offered her a reassuring smile.

She turned away, looking at the castle instead.

The Shadowharts used to reign here, she thought, and flinched. Landon and Aldric could have grown up in Teravardi, living in a castle instead of spending a life in hiding.

The Shadowharts now held the North, and the Silverlings held the South—they could leave it that way, a crown each, and land for them to rule over. But it would never be peaceful. The Shadowharts had always been promised the South, and, as well as his birthright, Landon wanted revenge on the man who had killed his brother.

She forced him out of her mind. She didn't want to think about him.

Leaving Will to help Thaia off the horse, she walked to the entrance, her muddy shoes dirtying the white path leading to it, a line of pruned trees on either side, the grass trimmed pristinely. Her bow remained slung on her shoulder as she looked up to the battlements. A guard looked back down at her.

"Who are you?" he called down.

"I am Audrey Everwood, heir to the Northern throne. I am here to support my cousin," Audrey called back, projecting authority into her voice. "Lower the drawbridge."

The guard disappeared. Audrey frowned, unslinging her bow. Shoes echoed on the path as Will stumbled next to her, Thaia leaning on him to support her bad leg.

"What happened?" Will asked.

"Guard disappeared," Audrey frowned.

"You shit," Thaia muttered.

Audrey didn't respond, too busy staring at the gates that were opening as the drawbridge was lowered. Out came the guard that had been on the barracks, followed by a petite blonde girl. She had pale skin, long eyelashes, and sparkling blue eyes. Her golden ringlets were pinned up in a half up-half down hairstyle, a clip embedded with stones pinning it up. She wore a simple white dress paired with army boots and a black belt with a silver buckle at the centre.

"Audrey!" the girl exclaimed.

At that moment, Audrey identified Annalee. Annalee had a small birthmark on her left cheek that Junia didn't have, and her voice was unmistakable.

"You're alive," Audrey said, completely mystified. "How?"

"I don't have a will to die yet," Annalee replied, winking. "And who are these people?" She gestured at Audrey's companions.

"This is Will and Thaia." Audrey could see the silent judgement in Annalee's eyes as she examined Thaia's albinism. "Will saved my life and Thaia... is a companion."

"Bounty hunter," Thaia corrected.

"A terrible one at that." Will gave a crooked smile.

"Actually, I..." Thaia began nonchalantly, but Annalee cut her off.

"You're here to help us?" Annalee asked, addressing Audrey. "And we can trust this... bounty hunter?"

"If you will take me." Audrey inclined her head ever so slightly out of formality, but Annalee grinned and hugged her. Audrey wrapped her arms around the small girl in response until the girl pulled away.

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