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"Would you like anything, my lady?" Alika asked her.

Many things, actually, Audrey thought. She shook her head from where she lay on her bed, curled up with Autumn sleeping beside her. The fox had easily accepted Audrey, most likely because the fox had no living mother, and was surprisingly affectionate. Autumn was very stubborn, however, as Audrey discovered while trying to train her to release waste in designated spaces. Autumn had already soiled all her carpets and even defecated on her settee. It was a shame that Audrey found it hard to stay angry at the cub.

"Are you sure?" Alika frowned. "You haven't been eating enough lately. I can..."

"It's fine," Audrey said curtly. She had lost her appetite after Aldric had left and knew that she had lost some weight, her cheekbones pressing against her skin and her blue eyes losing some of their vibrancy. She had tried to eat something, but even looking at food made her feel sick. "Is there any news on the battle?"

"Lady Ethelind joined King Adebiyi to her... I mean, our cause. He sent a portion of the soldiers he promised to the battle, and the rest are being held back," Alika replied. "The soldiers joined forces with the North during a battle which the scholars have named 'The Battle of Starford Field'. After a fight that lasted no more than two days, most of the Southern forces had either fled or been killed. They say that the Easterners are still finding Southerners and are now hunting them down like prey, as a sport, while they flee and hide. King Ulysses is nowhere to be found, but they claim they will find his body somewhere. Few Southerners survived the massacre."

"Thanks for informing me," Audrey said. She didn't look up, and her voice was stiff.

"I'm sorry. That's probably not the news you wanted to hear," Alika apologised. Audrey turned to see her shaking her head. "It's horrible, all of it. War is always like this. And my brother Chege was sent to battle with them." Alika paused. "Excuse me, I am talking too much. I apologise, miss."

"Don't worry about it." Audrey turned back around, stroking Autumn's fur.

"I'll leave you for some time alone, anyway. If you need me, just call."

Alika moved to the private drawing room connected nearby, shutting the door softly, and Audrey sighed. It all felt like a dream. She sometimes felt like she could walk to the gardens and find Lucian there, chiding her for being late to archery. She was certain that she could leave the room and Adina would be there, her dazzling mother with her auburn locks and silk dresses. She sometimes thought that she could walk to the training yard and Thomas would be there, dressed in the uniform of Lucian's guards with a sword in hand, and his blonde hair plastered across his forehead with sweat.

Audrey shut her eyes and wished for it to be true. The moment of peace didn't last long, however, before an outer door swung open and she heard hushed voices outside her bedchamber. She sat up as Alika opened the door and re-entered, her face solemn.

"Edith just came and told me..." Alika paused, then tried again. "Edith says a messenger just arrived. Word is... Aldric is dead. Kael is on his way back."

"Aldric.... he's dead?"

"You heard me."

And the world began to spin in front of her as the shock of it trickled in. She stood and backed away, shaking her head and trying to convince herself that Alika was lying. Suddenly, the cold wall was pressed against her back and she stopped, closing her eyes for a moment and letting the words sink in.

He was dead. Gone forever.

"He can't be." Her voice was faint, and she opened her eyes. Everything seemed to have slowed down.

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