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She felt tiny as she looked out of the window to see the guests filing into the castle. They came in groups, all men and women of respectable wealth and power. To see her. To see Landon.

The coronation would happen on the first day and the wedding on the next, she was informed as Alika brushed the tangles out of her brown hair and braided it.

"You look gorgeous," Alika gushed. "And you will look great with the dress. Close your eyes!"

"Why?" Audrey was not in the mood for games.

"Just do it," Alika pressed.

Audrey sighed and shut her eyes. She heard some shuffling before Alika began to dress her, pulling on the dress over her stays. The fabric was heavy but comfortable, a smooth silk that comfortably settled on her skin. Alika sewed up the back with deft fingers before taking Audrey's hand in her own, examining the cut to check how it was healing. Audrey flinched at the contact, but her eyes remained shut as Alika let her go.

"Are you going to wear gloves?" Alika asked.

"Let them see. The pain will stop but the scars will always be there, so there's no use in hiding."

I can't kill you. The words from the previous night with Landon had been going around in her head repeatedly. His timing had been on purpose. He had wanted to unnerve her before the wedding. Of course he had told her, and of course he had succeeded in getting into her head. But he was still a person who killed without blinking and lied effortlessly for his own gain. A person who she could never trust.

She had tried to kill him, and she had come close to succeeding. She had known what she was trying to do and why. Yet she sometimes wondered what would have happened if the sword had truly impaled him. Perhaps some part of her had always known that she would fail, which is why it had been as easy as it was. You were never going to kill me.

"Well said." She felt something being clasped to her neck before there was the sound of Alika moving back. "Open your eyes!"

Audrey looked at the mirror in front of her and felt her eyes widening as she looked at herself, seeing her hair curled and wound up into a braid pinned to the back of her head. Her skin was pale from being in her room for so long, her blue eyes intent and bright. And the dress... the dress was breath-taking. It was black and silver, giving her a dangerous edge while privately mourning for those lost. The sleeves were flared, and the voluminous skirt flared from a fitted, jewelled bodice. The silver embroidery was beautiful, a collection of simple flowers clustered at the top and moving down to the bottom while getting smaller and smaller, gradually fading. She was the darkness and the stars, the light and the dark.

"Alika... I can't thank you enough," Audrey said finally.

Alika clapped her hands together. "I didn't make it, so I don't deserve the credit, but you look great."

Audrey could not help but smile a little, despite the circumstances.

"Now go," Alika nodded as Audrey pulled on some flat shoes with leather soles.

"Thank you anyway, Alika," Audrey said.

"Anything for you," Alika said politely before lightly shoving her towards the door. "But make sure to not be late."

Audrey hurried out, her skirts dragging behind her as she walked down the spiral staircase with Chege behind her. They walked through the corridor side by side, marbled busts standing proudly around them and old tapestries hanging from the walls. Maids bustled around, trying to get everything done, as the invited guests walked down the corridor in groups. Their eyes all turned to Audrey and Chege as they walked past.

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