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Junia and Katana lay side by side on the bed on their stomachs, revising the plan for the sixth time.

"So, King Filip arrives in two days," Katana said. "And we begin with a banquet. You have sent a message down to the kitchens asking them to begin their plans, right?"

"Right. We need to keep an eye on the food stock, though, since it is getting low. We'll have to send hunters out to replenish our meat supplies," Junia replied. "And we'll need to bring more food in."

"Good," Katana nodded. "So that's food sorted. Accommodation?"

"We'll have to put any soldiers in inns, tents, or spare rooms," Junia said thoughtfully. "It all depends on the size of the company."

"Which we don't know. Maybe it's best if we stay on the safe side for now and say three hundred."

"Agreed." Junia looked over the parchment again. "And we need to get everything sorted out soon."

Katana stood up. "Call the staff into the courtyard and address them."

"What?" Junia paled.

"They aren't just gonna know what to do." She grinned. "They're servants, you need to give them orders!"

Junia sighed but sent Cloud out with a message to spread and, sure enough, in the space of half an hour, most of the castle staff—or, at least, what was left of them—were gathered in the courtyard. She stood to the side, leaning against a pillar and trying not to throw up.

She couldn't believe she was doing it.

Annalee would be proud. This is like something she'd do... but what will Ulysses think?

Ulysses still wasn't back but had sent word through scouts that he was alive and journeying home, although being delayed by some Easterners who had decided his head was a prize that they could race for. She wished that he could get back quicker and sort out the mess she had got herself into. The Northerners had pushed into the South and settled down in strategic checkpoints, and the South didn't have the strength to take the towns back. If the North started pushing forward and the South didn't have the aid of the West... they would be doomed.

Suddenly, the importance of the meeting seemed too daunting. There was too much to lose.

"Katana..." Junia said suddenly, feeling faint as she looked at the faces of the rowdy household gathered in front of her.


"I... I am terrible at public speaking."

Katana stared, her expression incredulous. "You're a princess! Weren't you raised for this kind of thing?"

"I can't do this," Junia whispered, going pale.

And the craven was coming back.

"You know what?" Katana asked, grabbing her hand. "I'll come with you and do all the talking, okay? But remember, you are the princess. The heir. I'm just a prisoner. They are more likely to listen to you."

"I'm... terrified," Junia said quickly.

"Calm down," Katana said, squeezing Junia's hand. "You'll be brilliant. I know you will. And if you don't want to speak, I won't put that on you."

Junia nodded, not trusting herself to reply. All her confidence was gone, and she needed Annalee there. She could almost see her twin striding onto the stage instead of her, her blonde hair in a high tail and a grin on her face.

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