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He had seized control of Lucian's castle, but that didn't make him king.

For that, there needed to be a coronation, and he needed the nobles on his side first. He could be unscrupulous and take a hostage from each noble family, but he dismissed the option. They would rise in arms if he did so, and the situation was already getting close to brinkmanship. Civil war was not something he could afford.

It was tiring to have to deal with everything going on at the same time: rebellions in the villages, pay for the royal household, commoners frequenting the castle gates and having to be sent away... and he had his two sons to look after. Aldric was easy enough, being strongly opinionated but tractable, preferring to avoid fights and conflicts where possible.

Landon was a different matter.

He was the perfect model for a Machiavellian prince. He was a boy shoved into a game of war to learn the rules that everyone did in time: never play fairly, because then it becomes impossible to win against the cheaters. To win, you have to think like one of them. Have to be craftier. To win, you have to outsmart the others, even those with more power.

Kael knew he couldn't trust anyone. Not Ethelind, with her knowing smirks and ambiguous motives. Not Jax with his emotionless face and unsmiling lips. Not any of the nobles, or even his own sons. His wife had died years ago of the Blue Fever, so he couldn't turn to her either.

He missed her so much that it hurt.

Kael and Elise had married in the South when Einar Shadowhart still held the Southern throne. Elise was originally betrothed to Xavier, Kael's brother, but Xavier ended up having an affair with someone else during their betrothal. When it was known that he had a pregnant lover, Elise's father refused to let her marry Xavier, so she was engaged to Kael instead.

He still remembered seeing her for the first time. Elise had been among a group of drunk courtiers and ladies-in-waiting, her curly dark hair tied up and her green eyes sparkling in the light, completely sober, unlike her companions. He had never met her before, but they had met eyes across the Great Hall, and he had just known he had found his wife.

Those had been easier days. Before Magnar Everwood had swept in and taken the Southern throne from the Shadowharts.

Aldric and Landon had been born two years apart, having to spend most of their childhood in guarded camps, constantly on the move from Everwood soldiers. Elise went into poor health after they fled, having constant stress-related headaches. But she had loved her sons and husband through it, smiling through tears as she lay on her deathbed four years ago.

Where is a king without his queen?

Lucian's face still haunted him. The flash of terror as Kael held a knife to his wife's throat, about to split the skin and let her blood spill to the ground.

Kael sank into his chair, composing himself, as there was a knock.

"Come in," he called and Ethelind entered. She had a timid-looking woman next to her with an afro, dark skin, and thin lips. She was wearing ragged clothes covered in dirt, and clasped her hands in front of her. A modest hood held her hair from her face and her only jewellery was a circular pendant hanging from a string on her neck.

"This is Alika Ashfield," Ethelind introduced. "I picked her up by the castle gates."

Kael waved a hand. "Speak."

Alika shifted from foot to foot. "Your Majesty, Northern rebels attacked my village because we pledged fealty to you, and my brother and I only just escaped alive. I beg of you, give us a home. I don't mind where. I am only a commoner, I apologise but..."

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