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Wow, this took a long time to write. I don't know exactly when I started writing this but it was around September-October 2018 and was officially completed on the 11th August, 2019 (although editing took way longer!). The draft that can be seen now is my fifth draft, finished on the 23rd September 2021. The sixth draft for this is currently underway, and I'm hoping to have this story fully edited and done with in 2022.

I can still remember sitting at the table at my grandparents' house on Christmas 2019 and my cousin coming up to me and trying to read this even though I was too embarrassed and hid it from him. To be able to have shared this with all of you took some time as I have pretty low self-esteem, so thank you all so much for your support. Believe me when I say that I couldn't have done it without you and your kind comments and feedback.

It originally started as a story based on Audrey (first named Brooke) having to go on the run after enemies killed the 'tyrannical' Lucian and turned their attention to her, but it's changed a lot since then. The plan kept evolving as it went along, parts being deleted and remade, etcetera. Some alterations made included changing Tyrek's name... he originally started off as Latin and Queen Adina also started off as Queen Emilea. King Filip was also originally named King Alois but that has been altered. Many characters have been edited in, for instance Calhoun, Asher, Grace, and Finley. As for Lavinia, she was meant to be called 'Jai' and her personality and age developed a lot while editing. By the time I had finished editing this, it was no longer the same story (it used to be 148 chapters long and I ended up cutting out an entire POV along with most of Will's). Even Landon's personality changed as I went from different perspectives of the young king until I finally found one that I liked.

Many characters have died as this went along and their killers have changed. As for the next book... well, it's a work in progress but let's just say I have it all planned out ;)

I cannot dedicate this to a single person so I'm just going to mention a few people who I can't end this without thanking.

Thank you to my early readers and the incredible writers, SilverEves354 , preshivipes , TheGirlWhoWrites44 . I probably would have unpublished it without them to support me. If you ever want a good book to read, just click on their accounts and you've got one!

Elefly115 for always being there to tell me off for killing characters and for being so talented with your writing.

A special thank you to P-PANACEA for being there and your never ending kindness! You're an inspiration and icon and I adore you.

_anderperry_ for continuing to follow this right to the end and making awesome character aesthetics.

And Jocelyn-Stark for being an amazing friend and recommending books to me that have really changed my idea of what morally grey characters are like.

The notes left on this book have made me smile and want to continue my work and I cannot thank you enough for it ♥️

I want to thank my grandma for believing I can write although I really can't.

My friends, online and IRL, for being awesome.

And, most of all, whoever is reading this. Thank you for bothering to read this crappy thing. You're the best.

Shelly M xx

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