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Audrey looked up from the book she was reading when she heard three raps on her door. At first, she expected it to be Alika, coming in to clean her room and tell her all the gossip while she did so, or Edith, to sullenly do her business and leave. Or maybe even Lavinia, who she hadn't seen since the tourney ended a week ago.

Instead, a stocky King's Guardsman appeared, looking bored. "His Highness Prince Aldric requests your presence by the stables."

Audrey blinked. She hadn't been permitted to leave her chambers since the tourney, but supposed the prince could allow her an exception.

"I'll be down in a moment," Audrey said, surprised by how steady her voice was.

Audrey felt his gaze on her and sighed out loud when he left, turning to see her reflection in a mirror. Her auburn hair was a mess, her blue eyes were rimmed with red, and she was dressed in little else than a thin shift, and underclothes. She didn't even want to think about what the guard would have seen.

She found a clean cloth for the moon's blood that had started the previous day and then drank the chamomile tea that Alika had left out earlier to soothe cramps. After that, she threw cold water onto her face and tried to ease the tangles from her hair. At some point, Alika entered the room and helped her, working until Audrey's hair was wavy and smooth. Alika tied it into a braid, helped her into a blue dress, and Audrey thanked her before pulling on her shoes and hurrying down to the stables, the two guards outside her door falling in behind her.

She felt the gazes of Kael's people pressing into her as she walked, keeping her chin lifted until she reached the stables. Aldric was waiting, a helmet tucked beneath his arm. Audrey couldn't help but think how different he looked in armour, how dangerous he looked with a sword around his waist, and how strange it was to see him as a soldier rather than a young boy who wanted things he could never have.

"So, you are now going to war," Audrey remarked, looking him up and down with a frown. "Is Landon going too?"

Aldric shook his head. "He's not too good with a sword. I think father is leaving him here because he knows Landon will keep an eye on Ethelind."

"Ethelind?" Audrey spluttered. "But she's... she's an unsympathetic, selfish bitch!"

"I don't know why my father is leaving her in charge." Aldric looked uncomfortable. "But Landon... he's better with court intrigues than me. He's always made up for the places where I lack, and the other way around." A trace of a fond smile crossed his lips before it disappeared as his face fell. "I... Landon should be able to deal with her, anyway. If he can't, none of us can."

Audrey didn't reply, so Aldric set his helmet down on a stack of hale and picked up a bundle Audrey hadn't noticed earlier. He passed it to her, and she gently pulled away the corner of the cloth to see a fox cub asleep in her arms. She stared at the bundle, thinking of Hunter, Landon's red-and-black-eyed creature. But this fox seemed more peaceful, its small breaths light against Audrey's hands as she clutched the furry ball to her chest.

"Aldric..." Audrey began, trying to find words.

"Landon has one, and Kael thought it was only fair I got one, too. I want you to take care of it while I am gone. So when I return..."

When not if, Audrey thought.

"Is it a he or she?" Audrey asked, interrupting.

"A she. You can name it."

Audrey looked at the cub, unable to say anything callous with such a beautiful animal in her hands. The fox's small, triangular ears were perked up from its sleek, brown fur, and its little nose gleamed in the sun. She had never been so close to a fox before, let alone held one.

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