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He watched Filip's every move, just as he had been doing for the past few hours. It had taken some careful manoeuvring to get into Teravardi Castle, sneaking around the guards and finding a suitable spot to hide in a tree, but he had made it.

Caius perched on the end of a branch, balancing as he observed the large guest room through the window below. Filip was taking his shoes off to settle down for the night, his face weary, while Queen Lynne—Caius assumed that was who the blonde woman was—shouted something at him from where she stood. Filip replied calmly, holding out a placating hand, and Lynne huffed before she disappeared into their washroom.

Caius didn't move as he watched it all, still as a statue. He had to create a diversion; there were guards all over the place keeping a constant eye on the king's chambers, and he couldn't risk blowing his cover. Although he was fast and quiet, he would struggle to get out if the entire guard was hunting him.

He waited for the area to clear before he navigated down the tree, landing on two feet like a cat before running to the tower he had selected as the most abandoned, sticking to the shadows. He grabbed two stones before slipping in, ducking under a staircase, then struck them against each other repeatedly and set the wooden floorboards on fire. After ensuring he was alone, he unscrewed a vial before backing toward the tree he had been hiding in, tossing the open vial at the tower with skilful hand-to-eye coordination. It broke in the middle of the fire and the liquid instantly turned the small sparks into an inferno. The whole tower burst into flames as Caius nimbly swung up the tree again.

From afar, he heard the shouts of the guards and saw the orange flames dance. And, for a moment, he pulled up the edge of his hood for a better view of the chaos, before he dropped it and turned back to his job.

Filip was lying on his back sleepily while Lynne read through a letter at a vanity table, but it wasn't long before a maid ran in to inform them of the fire. Lynne was instantly up—although she was barefoot with wet hair dripping on her shoulders—and soon out of the room with the maid. But Filip lingered to pull on his boots, something Caius had predicted. Filip was vain and preferred to give a show of power everywhere he went, and he would never agree to being seen barefoot like a commoner, unlike his wife. If he wasn't the one in imminent danger, he cared less. He knew the fire was not near him.

Caius spun a knife in his fingers before aiming and throwing it with precise aim, even with his hood up.

It hit Filip in the throat, flying through the open window and embedding itself in his neck. He was dead in seconds, and Caius was soon vaulting over the unguarded battlements to get away, knowing that everyone who was awake would be by the fire.

He didn't feel any regret. It was a job that he had done many times before, and he only thought of payment as he freed his horse from where he had tied it and rode away.

How bold some people seem, but all are mortal.

And with Filip's death part three is concluded !

Love you all,

Shelly M x

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