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"Are you sure?" Ethelind asked, her voice low from where she stood next to the throne in her place as adviser.

"Yes, and Adebiyi has agreed to it. There has been no word from Edward, and if they aren't guarding their capital now, it has created an opening for us," Landon said in the same tone.

He was lounging on the throne, his posture relaxed and his head resting on his hands, his crown sloping across his forehead. The throne was a tall and impressive structure made from bronze, shaped elegantly with sharp points protruding from the top, each covered in ancient runes of Xiakyaore, the reading of which had been mostly forgotten. The throne room held an aura of power even without the marble statues to the side of the red carpet snaking through the middle of the room. She could recognise Wolfen Everwood, the first Everwood king, Elaina Everwood, the first female to lead an army, and even Dorian Everwood, who was the first to try a treaty with the Shadowharts after being inspired by the peace of The Free Isles. The treaty only lasted for twenty years before his daughter murdered him and restarted the war.

"How many can you spare?" Ethelind asked.

Landon had called for a temporary stop in the lines of people coming to see him to talk to her quietly, and she was acutely aware of the way conversation dwindled for those around them as others tried to listen in. Information could be lethal—it could lead to blackmail or gossip. Politics were always messy, and Ethelind was surprised there had been no more assassination attempts on Landon since the Black Archer.

Unless there had been, and he was keeping it hidden. Ethelind did not dismiss the possibility. Assassination attempts suggested weak leadership and a lack of control over subjects, and Landon knew that.

Jax's face betrayed nothing where he stood on the other side of Landon's throne. He had reluctantly started talking to Ethelind, but only for matters of business. Any attempts at small talk were brushed aside; he had not forgiven her for using him while he was drugged.

"About sixteen thousand on foot, three thousand cavalry, and a thousand bowmen, along with Adebiyi's elite guard," Landon said, keeping his voice soft. He, too, was aware of the eavesdropping nobles.

"We can't win the war by invading the West. We aren't even sure that they are allies with the South," Ethelind said. "If we fail, they will have no choice but to retaliate, and the South will gain an ally."

"Edward's letters clarified that we should not give the West time to mobilise. For now, they remain too lazy to get their military together. I do not know how long it will remain that way." His eyes ran over the throne room, on constant alert for threats. "Plus, they hold many resources that we need. Their soldiers are lacking, and their defeat would pack a blow to the South, leaving them alone in this war. Why restrict our borders to here? It would be easier to push the South in with a war on two fronts." He glanced over his shoulder at her. "I would like you to lead the siege against Valkitia with Jax."

"And you, Your Highness?"

"I am taking a retinue to the nearby villages. Gathering people for the army, making speeches, and spreading awareness of the ill leadership of the South and West. Someone needs to stay behind to defend the North against Damek, anyway."

"Perhaps the plan isn't too bad after all," Ethelind mused. "When?"

"After the coronation and wedding," Landon said. "The South will be so occupied with the raids by sea that they won't be able to send aid to the West."

"So the North's navy will take the brunt of the sea attacks while Adebiyi's military will keep a tighter hand over the attack on the West," Ethelind summed up.

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